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Урок-олимпиада по английскому языку «Journey to Grammar Land»

Урок-олимпиада по английскому языку «Journey to Grammar Land»

Ирина Завертяева
Тип материала: Урок
Рейтинг: 12345 голосов:1просмотров: 4626 комментариев: 1
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Урок-олимпиада по английскому языку

«Journey to Grammar Land»

«Путешествие в Страну Грамматики»

Цели проведения:

  1. Расширение и углубление знаний, умений и навыков в овладении иноязычной коммуникативной деятельностью (аудирование, говорение, чтение и письмо).

  2. Стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению предмета «Практическая грамматика».

  3. Всестороннее развитие личности, включая интеллектуальную, эмоционально-волевую и духовно-нравственную сферы.

  4. Расширить кругозор и обогатить лексический запас учащихся.

  5. Воспитать культуру общения на иностранном языке.

  6. Активизировать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся.

Задачи проведения:

  1. Усовершенствование знаний, навыков и умений в использовании изученных грамматических форм и правил в устной и письменной речи, аудировании, чтении.

  2. Развитие их творческих способностей, самостоятельности.

  3. Воспитание любви и уважения к людям своего родного края и страны, язык которой изучается.

  4. Контроль сформированности грамматических, лексических и фонетических навыков и умений учащихся.

Форма проведения: олимпиада, мероприятие соревновательного характера.

Этапы Олимпиады:

  1. Организационный момент Олимпиады.

  2. Первый этап Олимпиады. Warming-up.

  3. Второй этап Олимпиады. Topics “What do you feel about learning grammar?”

  4. Третий этап Олимпиады. Listening of the text for the comprehension “The Secret Seven”.

  5. Четвёртый этап Олимпиады. Grammar test.

  6. Подведение итогов Олимпиады.

Ход проведения Олимпиады.

1. Организационный момент Олимпиады.

T. – Good afternoon, students! I am very glad to see you at our Grammar Olympiad. Today we’ll see who is the best of all in English Grammar; whose skills and habits in speaking English, hearing, reading and even writing are the most perfect ones.

At our Olympiad we will have the following stages:

The First stage: Warming-up. We’ll revise some grammar points.

The Second stage: Speech “What do you feel about learning grammar?” We’ll be listening to your short topics on this theme.

The Third stage: Listening of the text for the comprehension “The Secret Seven” We’ll check your skills in hearing and grammar skills, too.

The Fourth stage: Grammar test which consists of some questions.

Now I want to introduce you our jury: they are our English teachers and our Methodist.

  1. Первый этап Олимпиады.

Индивидуальный блиц-опрос каждого участника:

T. – You should give the right answers as quickly as possible.

1) 1.This … a blue tie.

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

2. What … your father do in his spare time?

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

3. Say three forms of the irregular verb: to forget

4. Choose the correct variant:

A) I not usually have lunch at home.

B) I usually have not lunch at home.

C) I doesn't usually have lunch at home.

D) I usually have lunch at home.

5. Say Degrees of Comparison of the given adjective: curious.

6. Choose the right form:

The train … when they got to the station.

1. has already left

2. was left

3. had already left

4. is leaving

5. will already leave

7. Match the sentence with the time:

What are you doing?

A) tonight

B) lately

C) a month ago

D) by Sunday

E) the day before yesterday

8. Choose the word out of topic:

A) England

B) Scottish

C) Irish

D) Senate

E) The House of Lords

2) 1. That box … green.

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

2. When … you clean your teeth?

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

3. Say three forms of the irregular verb: to know

4. Choose the correct variant:

A) My friend don't goes to the cinema a lot.

B) My friend not goes to the cinema a lot.

C) My friend goes to the cinema a lot.

D) My friend doesn't goes to the cinema a lot.

5. Say Degrees of Comparison of the given adjective: polite.

6. Choose the right form:

He wanted to know where she … her holidays.

1. spends

2. would spend

3. would have spent

4. will spend

5. would spent

7. Match the sentence with the time:

What have you been doing?

A) tonight

B) lately

C) a month ago

D) by Sunday

E) the day before yesterday

8. Choose the word out of topic :

A) to travel

B) trip

C) to swim

D) voyage

E) journey

3) 1. These … red pencils.

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

2. Why … they learn poems by heart?

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

3. Say three forms of the irregular verb: to swim

4. Choose the correct variant:

A) Do his father drive a car very fast?

B) Is his father drive a car very fast?

C) Does his father drives a car very fast?

D) Does his father drive a car very fast?

5. Say Degrees of Comparison of the given adjective: gloomy.

6. Choose the right form:

We asked if he … to join us.

1. wanted

2. wants

3. will want

4. has wanted

5. is wanting

7. Match the sentence with the time:

What will you do?

A) tonight

B) lately

C) a month ago

D) by Sunday

E) tomorrow

8. Choose the noun in plural :

a. Foot

b. Clock

с Police

d. News

e. Politics

4) 1. This … a piece of chalk.

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

2. Who … always walks with your dog?

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

3. Say three forms of the irregular verb: to steal

4. Choose the correct variant:

A) Do the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

B) Does the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

C) Do the shops closes at 8 o'clock in the evening?

D) Are the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

5. Say Degrees of Comparison of the given adjective: attractive.

6. Choose the right form:

John hoped that by the next evening she ... his letter.

1. will receive

2. would receive

3. would have received

4. will be receiving

5. would be received

7. Match the sentence with the time:

What will you have done?

A) tonight

B) lately

C) a month ago

D) by Sunday

E) the day before yesterday

8. Choose the right writing:

" the 72-d "

A) The seventieth and second

B) The seventieth two

C) The seventy and second

D) The seventy twoth

E) The seventy second

5) 1. Those … good books.

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

2. What time … you get up?

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

3. Say three forms of the irregular verb: to break

4. Choose the correct variant:

A) You often play basketball?

B) Do you often play basketball?

C) Is you often play basketball?

D) Are you often play basketball?

5. Say Degrees of Comparison of the given adjective: careless.

6. Choose the right form:

The bus … when they came to the station.

1. has already left

2. was left

3. had already left

4. is leaving

5. will already leave

7. Match the sentence with the time:

What did you do?

A) tonight

B) lately

C) a month ago

D) by Sunday

E) tomorrow

8. Choose the word out of topic:

A) milk

B) sour cream

C) cottage cheese

D) cheese

E) honey

6) 1. The doors … brown.

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

2. How much … your sweater cost?

a) am b) is c) are d) do e) does f) –

3. Say three forms of the irregular verb: to wear

4. Choose the correct variant:

A) She come home early.

B) She not comes home early.

C) She don't come home early.

D) She doesn't come home early.

5. Say Degrees of Comparison of the given adjective: dull.

6. Choose the right form:

They asked her if she … to visit them.

1. wanted

2. wants

3. will want

4. has wanted

5. is wanting

7. Match the sentence with the time:

What is Jack doing?

A) tonight

B) lately

C) a month ago

D) by Monday

E) the day before yesterday

8. Choose the noun in singular:

A) children

B) police

C) people

D) workers

E) economics

  1. Второй этап Олимпиады.

T. – And now your topics “What do you feel about learning grammar?” What do you think: is it necessary to study English Grammar or not? In some minutes we’ll listen to our participants’ opinions. While our students are preparing, we’ll play with you, our guests.

Игра со зрителями: T. – You should say us what Grammar Tense is used:


  1. Для описания ряда последовательных действий в прошлом. Past Simple Tense.

  2. Для описания запланированного действия, которое произойдёт в ближайшем будущем (глаголы движения, to have). Present Continuous Tense.

  3. Для выражения будущего действия, которое закончится до определённого момента в будущем. Future Perfect Tense.

  4. Для описания действия, которое происходило в определённый момент в прошлом. Past Continuous Tense.

  5. Для выражения действия, законченного в прошлом, но связанного с настоящим через результат. Present Perfect Tense.

  6. Для описания законов природы, общеизвестных фактов, часто в пословицах. Present Simple Tense.

  7. Для описания длительного действия, которое будет протекать в определённый момент в будущем. Future Continuous Tense.

  8. Для описания действий, которые были закончены к определённому моменту в прошлом. Past Perfect Tense.

  9. Для описания действия, которое началось в прошлом, длилось какое-то время в прошлом и продолжается в момент речи. Present Perfect Continuous.

  10. Для выражения одного или нескольких действий в будущем; принятие решения в момент речи. Future Simple Tense.

  11. Для описания типичного действия, вызывающего раздражение, неодобрение со стороны говорящего. Present Continuous Tense.



  1. The capital of Australia is Sidney. False.

  2. Blond beards grow faster than dark beards. True.

  3. Nearly one sixth of the world’s land surface is desert. True.

  4. There were ten days in the ancient Egyptian week. True.

  5. A boxing round lasts 15 minutes. False.

  6. You get shorter when you are sleep. False.

  7. Mozart was born in Germany. False.

  8. Video games were invented in the 19th century. False.

  9. There are about 2 million bacteria on your face alone. And that’s after you’ve washed! True.

  10. Worms have very tiny legs. They are so small that you cannot see them without a microscope. False.

  11. The word “octopus” means “eight arms”. True.

  12. Diamonds and coal are made of the same chemical element. True.

  13. There are fifty stripes on the American flag. False.

  14. The Bermuda Triangle is an island. False.

T.- And now we’ll listen to our participants’ opinions on the topic “What do you feel about learning grammar?”

Участники представляют своё монологическое высказывание по предложенной теме, состоящее из 12-15 предложений.

  1. Третий этап Олимпиады.

T. - We will listen to the text “The Secret Seven”. First look at some unknown words and word combinations from this text:

a shedсарай

Susie wants smackingСьюзи заслуживает того, чтобы её отшлёпали

with the letters S.S. neatly worked on itс буквами S.S., аккуратно выбитыми на ней

to stalkвыслеживать

Listen to the text carefully for the first time and then you should say if the given sentences are right or not, true or false.

Участники прослушивают текст один раз и выбирают предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста, поднимая карточки «YES» или «NO».

I. Text test:

1. On the door were the letters S.S. painted in green. True.

2. That day the password was “cats and dogs”. False.

3. Jack sister’s name was Pam. False.

4. It was Susie who had taken Jack’s badge. True.

5. Jack felt very angry with Susie. True.

6. They discovered that everybody had a set of Red Indian clothes. False.

7. Colin didn’t much want to be stalked by all six of them. True.

8. They agreed to meet there at four sharp. False.

T. - And now let’s listen to the text again and mark those Grammar phenomena which you will find in the text.


Present Simple Tense +

Reported Speech

Past Continuous Tense +

Past Simple Tense +

Degrees of Comparison +

Present Perfect Continuous

Present Continuous Tense +

Past Perfect Tense

Subjunctive Mood

Passive Voice +

Conditional Sentences

Phrasal Verbs +

Complex Object +

Modal Verbs +

Future Simple Tense +

Present Perfect Tense +

Future Perfect Tense

Construction “I wish …”

T.- While our jury is counting the points, we’ll try to read “Kidnappers’ Letter”.

Two men have kidnapped the son of a millionaire. They are going to send him a letter, and they have cut these words out of a news paper/ can you put the words in the correct order?

    1. SON, WE’VE, YOUR, GOT

    2. IS, SAFE, HE

    3. IN, WE, $ 500,000, CASH, WANT

    4. BE, THE, MUST, $ 100 NOTES, MONEY, IN





  1. We’ve got your son.

  2. He is safe.

  3. We want $ 500,000 in cash.

  4. The money must be in $ 100 notes.

  5. Bring the money to the car park at 4 o’clock in the morning.

  6. Don’t show this to the police or you’ll be sorry.

  7. If you don’t bring the money you’ll never see your son again.

  1. Четвёртый этап Олимпиады.

T. – And now the last stage of our competition: Grammar test.

Каждый участник получает тестовое задание, на выполнение которого предоставляется 6-7 минут. Во время выполнения участниками теста, зрителям предлагается следующее задание:

T. – Put the verbs into the correct form and read the proverb.



































  1. shake – shook – *******

  2. drink – drank – *******

  3. bring – ******* – brought

  4. fly – flew – *******

  5. hold – held – *******

  6. beat – ******* – beaten

  7. hide – hid – *******

  8. dig – dug – *******

  9. spend – spent – *******

  10. drive – drove – *******

  11. cost – ******* – cost

  12. speak – ******* – spoken

  13. become – became – *******

  14. grow – grew – *******

  15. feel – ******* – felt

  16. write – ******* – written

(The answer is: KNOWLEDGE IS POWER)

T. – And now we’ll see, our guests: are you a Romantic or a Realist? Let’s fulfill one test, choose your answers.


  1. Do you believe in love at first sight?

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

  1. Do you get bored easily?

    1. Yes.

    2. No.

  2. Do you often feel lonely?

    1. Yes.

    2. No.

  3. Do you become jealous (ревнивая) if your boyfriend talks with other girls?

    1. Yes.

    2. No.

  4. Do you often have mood swings (меняется настроение)?

    1. Yes.

    2. No.

  5. Do you like to invite people to your place?

    1. Yes, I love a full house.

    2. It’s pleasant to have guests from time to time, but it’s also nice when things return to normal.

    3. I don’t mind occasional visitors, but I don’t really care to have company.

  1. Do you enjoy reading stories about the private lives of famous people?

    1. Yes.

    2. Occasionally.

    3. No.

  2. Do you like to spend money?

    1. Yes.

    2. Sometimes, but not very often.

    3. No. I’m economical.

  3. Do you have trouble concentrating?

    1. Yes.

    2. Sometimes.

    3. No.

  4. When you look at the clouds, do you:?

    1. see pictures in them?

    2. feel thoughtful?

    3. think about the weather?

  5. Do you daydream (грезить)?

    1. Yes.

    2. Sometimes.

    3. Never.

  6. Do you feel there can ever be peace in the world?

    1. Yes, people can learn to settle their problems peacefully.

    2. Maybe, but it will not be soon

    3. No. You can’t change human nature.

Your Score:

  1. a – 5, b – 1

7. a – 5, b – 3, c – 1

  1. a – 5, b – 1

8. a – 5, b – 3, c – 1

  1. a – 5, b – 1

9. a – 5, b – 3, c – 1

  1. a – 5, b – 1

10. a – 5, b – 3, c – 1

  1. a – 5, b – 3, c – 1

11. a – 5, b – 3, c – 1

  1. a – 5, b – 3, c – 1

12. a – 5, b – 3, c – 1


50-60: You are a true Romantic – someone who builds castles in the air. There’s nothing wrong with it. True romantics believe the world can be wonderful place and they keep trying to make it just it. Be careful, however! People like you are easily depressed.

36-49: Call yourself a romantic skeptic. Deep down you feel that life is not a fairy tale, even though you wish it were. You may have a problem with self-esteem (уверенность в себе), because you can create wonderful dreams but lack the confidence to make those dreams become reality.

22-35: You are a soft realist: you take the world as you find it, but you also understand that life is dull without love, beauty and emotion. People like you can be pragmatic without being hard-hearted (жестокий).

12-21: You are a true Realist with no illusions about the world. You are pragmatic and don’t make excuses. You don’t lose sleep over things you can’t change and are very independent. Unfortunately, you don’t realize that life’s horizons are broader than you think.

Grammar test

1. Match the sentence with the time: I had been doing my homework ...

  1. at 3 o'clock yesterday

  2. by 3 o'clock yesterday

  3. for 3 hours yesterday

  4. for 3 hours at 5 o'clock yesterday

E) already at 5 o'clock yesterday

2. Choose the right form: I wish you ... at our party on Saturday. It was rather funny.

  1. have been B) had been C) hadn't been D) were E) would be

3. Choose the right variant of the Reported Speech: "Don't watch much television", Mother said to her son.

A) Mother told her son don't to watch much TV

B) Mother tells her son not to watch much TV

C) Mother told her son to watch much TV

D) Mother telled her son not to watch much TV

E) Mother told her son not to watch much TV

4. Fill in the blank: This film is as ... as that one.

A) more interesting

B) interesting

C) interestingest

D) most interesting

E) interestinger

5. Say it in Passive Voice: Nobody lived in that old house.

A) That old house lived nobody in.

  1. That old house was not lived in.

  2. In that old house was not lived.

  3. Nobody was lived in that old house.

  4. In that old house nobody lived in.

6. Finish the question: Susan has got to mark this test later , ... ?

A) hasn't she

B) has she

C) does she

D) isn't she

E) doesn't she

7. Change the underlined word: You should do morning exercises regularly.

  1. must B) need C) are to D) ought to E) would

8. Choose the right order of the words :

  1. What the workers didn't know to do with the snow.

  2. The workers didn't know what to do with the snow.

  3. The workers know what didn't to do with the snow.

  4. What to do with the snow the workers didn't know.

E) The snow didn't know what to do with the workers.

9. Say it in Passive Voice: They have just seen him in the street.

  1. He was just seen in the street.

  2. They have just been seen him.

  3. He has just been seen in the street.

  4. He had just been seen in the street.

E) He has just seen them in the street.

10. Make the right choice: The translation of this article ... by next Tuesday.

A) will finish

B) will have finished

C) will have been finished

D) will be finished

E) will be finishing

  1. Подведение итогов Олимпиады.

Выполненные задания сдаются в жюри, члены жюри проверяют работы участников и подсчитывают балл.

T.- While our jury is counting the points, we’ll sing the traditional Christmas song “Jingle, Bells!” Our guests, you have got papers with this song, but some of the words are missed. Complete the text, please. All together!

Jingle, Bells!


Jingle, Bells! Jingle, Bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh.

Dashing through the snow (1)

In a one (2) -horse open sleigh,

O’er the fields we go,

Laughing all the way (3).

Bells, on bob-tail ring,

Making spirits (4) bright.

What fun it is to ride and sing (5)

A sleighing song tonight.


T. - We are interested to know who is to be the BEST in our Olympiad. Let our jury say us the score and name the best of the best.

Слово предоставляется жюри, которое подводит итоги последнего конкурса и называет победителей Олимпиады.

T. - Our dear guests and participants! I wonder if it was interesting here. Was it useful for you? Have you known something new? So, thank you for your attention and participation in our Olympiad.

Обсуждение материала
Сергей Колодин
6.12.2015 13:03
Оформление разработки не соответствует критериям Требований. Создаётся впечатление конспекта, написанного "на скорую руку": нет указания на авторство урока, на УМК, используемый автором; отсутствует текст к заданию 3.

Также вызывает спор использование автором конструкции "listening of" и глагола "hear".

Уникальность текста достаточно высока, но досадные недочёты снижают значимость предложенного материала.  
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