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План урока в 6 классе по теме "Elizabeth II"

План урока в 6 классе по теме "Elizabeth II"

Ольга Черная
Тип материала: Урок
просмотров: 40
Краткое описание
Эта работа не только углубляет знания иностранного языка, но и способствует расширению культурного кругозора, эрудиции учащихся, развитию их творческой активности, эстетических вкусов и, как следствие, повышает мотивацию к изучению языка и культуры другой страны.

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План открытого урока в 6 классе по теме «Elizabeth II»

Ход урока.

1. Разминка.

How are you today? You look wonderful today! It’s a fine day today, isn’t’ it? What is the weather like today? What was the weather like yesterday? What will the weather will be like tomorrow? What’s the temperature? Do you like such weather? What do you like to do in such weather? Why do English people like to speak about weather very much?

2.Совместное формулирование темы урока

We also like to speak about the weather, but we won’t do it for the whole lesson today. Any ideas about the topic of our lesson? OK! You will find it out if you are able to solve a puzzle. Do you like to solve them? We have already learnt some facts about the UK. Try to remember them!

(ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя определяя ключевое слово)

1.The name of one of the parts of the UK.

2.The capital of Northern Ireland.

3.The capital of Wales.

4.One of the countries in the Commonwealth.

5.Patron saint of Northern Ireland.

6.The capital of Scotland.

7.One of the two main islands.

8.The UK is washed by it in the north.

9.People in Wales.

Well done! Now look at the words in bold and tell me who we are going to speak about. The Queen Elizabeth II and her family! She is the symbol of the UK, its history and traditions. She has been on the English throne for more than 60 years already, so she deserves to be spoken about.

3. At first we’ll begin with a simple Quiz about the Royal Family (смотри приложение) You will work in groups. Your task is to answer 8 questions.

(Ученики работают в группах отвечая на вопросы в течение 3 минут. Контроль ответов проводится следующим образом – ученики одной из групп дают ответ на вопрос, другие соглашаются или нет The keys: 1) b 2) a 3) b 4) c 5) a 6) c 7) c 8) a b c

4. So the surname of the Royal Family is WINDSOR. The family got it only in 1917. The family has a huge number of members. And every year they are becoming bigger and bigger. Just look at their family tree .But at first let’s revise some words which may help you to speak about the members of the royal family.

(Повторение слов по теме «Семья». Чтение слов по цепочке)

Question Time:

Who is Elizabeth’s husband?

She has got 4 sons, doesn’t she?

What are their names and titles?

How many grandchildren (great grandchildren) does Elizabeth have?

Who is William’s mother?

Guessing time:

He is the future King, he’s married twice, he has two sons. ----

She is William’s wife.---

She is Harry and William’s stepmother.-----

Charles’ nephew who has 2 children

Writing time:

Now it’s your time to create a guessing game for your classmates.

( ученики составляю загадки для противоположной команды по 2 от каждой)

5. аудирование.And one more riddle from me –He is young, he is the second in line to the throne, he has a beautiful wife… Who is he? William, Duke of Cambridge. A now you will watch a short movie about him. Be attentive, ‘cause you’ll have a test.

(Ученики смотрят и слушают фильм 2 минуты, затем тест TRUE\FALSE)Проверяем в парах

1.He was born on the 22d of June in 1982. (False)

2.He is the second born child in the family. (False)

3.He weighed more than 7 pounds when he was born.

4. His first trip was to the USA. (False)

5. He made his first trip when he was 10 months old. (False)

6.Работа с текстом

а)Прослушивание чтение учителя;

б)Чтение по цепочке;

с) Объяснение задание

Read the text and find the information

1)About Queen’s childhood and her family life

2)about her duties

3) about her hobbies

And make a poster using different pictures and coloured pencils. Every group has a set of pictures which consists of the same pictures. The leader of the team will have to defend the project/ You have only 5 minutes to do it

Капитаны команд защищают свои работы .

7. Рефлексия

Заполнить вазу цветами желтого и фиолетового цвета в зависимости от того, понравился ли урок.

8. Домашнее задание

Написать рассказ 5-7 предложений «I would ( not) like to be a member of a Royal Family

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