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Проверочная работа для 8 класса

Проверочная работа для 8 класса

Елена Артуньян
Тип материала: другое
Рейтинг: 12 голосов:3просмотров: 13820
Краткое описание
Проверочная работа для 8 класса к учебнику "English" Кузовлева В.П. Разработана на основе 1 и 2 разделов учебника. Включает в себя задания по лексике, задания на знание общей информации о Великобритании, конструкции "подлежащее + страдательный залог+инфинитив"

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Проверочная работа для 8 класса по английскому языку


учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 11 г. Азова Ростовской области

Артуньян Елена Владимировна

Проверочная работа составлена к первому разделу УМК Кузовлев В.П. и др.


Answer the questions:

1) What is the official name of the UK?


2) What is the capital of Wales?


3) Where are British Isles situated?


4) What is British considered to be like?


5) What are the symbols of Great Britain? What do you think?



Put words into the gaps. One word is extra.

Be situated make up population language traffic jam associate polite to follow anniversary speech unite include occasion

1. English is official ___________ in Great Britain.

2. There are often____________ in large cities.

3. We can __________Great Britain with double-deckers and drinking tea.

4. There is a Speaker Corner in Hide Park where you can make a________.

5. I think that such holidays as New Year and Christmas__________ people.

6. His collection _____________ stickers and stamps with dogs.

7. Wales ____________to the west of England.

8. British people are considered to be________ and hospitable.

9. She' ve received a post card from queen for her_____________.

10. Four countries _______________ the UK. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

11. It is a small town with a ________________ about 50 000 people.

12. British try _________________ their traditions.


Rewrite sentences using “subject+passive verb+infinitive”

1. People say that Japanese language is very difficult to learn.


2. Foreigners think that Russian people are hospitable and optimistic.


3. People consider that Russia is big and cold country.


4. They consider that he is not good at learning languages.


5. They say Russian people make friends easily with strangers.



Task 1

1 The official name of the UK is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

2 The capital of Wales is Cardiff .

3 British Isles are situated to the north of Europe.

4 British is considered to be serious and polite person.

5 I think that double-decker and drinking tea can be symbols of Great Britain.

Task 2

1 language

2 traffic jams

3 associate

4 speech

5 unite

6 includes

7 is situated

8 polite

9 anniversary

10 make up

11 population

12 follow

Task 3

1 Japanese language is said to be difficult to learn.

2 Russian people are thought to be hospitable and optimistic.

3 Russia is considered to be big and cold country.

4 He is considered to be not good at learning languages.

5 Russian people are said to make friends easily with strangers.

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