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Видеоурок по английскому языку «School in Britain»

Видеоурок по английскому языку «School in Britain»

Наталия Буравцева
Тип материала: Урок
просмотров: 8467

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School.docx Скачать


Областное государственное образовательное учреждение

кадетская школа-интернат

«Усольский гвардейский кадетский корпус»

Видеоурок по английскому языку

«School in Britain» (40 минут)

для 5 класса УМК М.З. Биболетова

учитель английского языка

Буравцева Наталия Владимировна

Использован интернет-ресурс http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMUJKH1fFF0

Иркутская область

г. Усолье-Сибирское

Watch the video about Jamie’s school day. Please, do the following exercises.

  1. Fill in the missing words.

  1. I live in Walthamstow, in the south of __________.

  2. What’s the time? – It’s __________.

  3. She __________ us __________ the road.

  4. We wear a __________ __________.

  5. Lesson one __________ at 9.30. Today it’s __________.

  6. It’s 10.30. It’s __________ __________.

  7. I __________ games with my __________ in the playground.

  8. I want this __________, not ___________.

  9. I __________ lunch in the canteen with my __________.

  10. The __________ of the school day. Time to go __________!

  1. Say if the sentences are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED.

  1. Jamie is eleven years old.

  2. A Lollipop Lady helps schoolchildren to do their homework.

  3. Jamie and his friends don’t wear a school uniform on Mondays.

  4. ICT is Jamie’s favourite lesson!

  5. The school day ends at 2 p.m.

  1. Read about Jamie’s school day. Do you have the same (такой же)?

My name is Jamie. I am an English schoolboy. I am 11.

My school day starts at 8.50. We usually have 4 lessons. ICT is my favourite lesson! But I don’t like Maths. I think, it’s the most difficult subject. My lessons end at 3.15.

We wear a school uniform: trousers, a shirt, a jacket and a tie. And you? Please, tell me about your school day.

  1. Write about your school day. Then tell your classmates about it.

Watch the video about Jamie’s school day. Please, do the following exercises.

  1. Fill in the missing words.

  1. I live in Walthamstow, in the south of __________.

  2. What’s the time? – It’s __________.

  3. She __________ us __________ the road.

  4. We wear a __________ __________.

  5. Lesson one __________ at 9.30. Today it’s __________.

  6. It’s 10.30. It’s __________ __________.

  7. I __________ games with my __________ in the playground.

  8. I want this __________, not ___________.

  9. I __________ lunch in the canteen with my __________.

  10. The __________ of the school day. Time to go __________!

  1. Say if the sentences are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED.

  1. Jamie is eleven years old.

  2. A Lollipop Lady helps schoolchildren to do their homework.

  3. Jamie and his friends don’t wear a school uniform on Mondays.

  4. ICT is Jamie’s favourite lesson!

  5. The school day ends at 2 p.m.

  1. Read about Jamie’s school day. Do you have the same (такой же)?

My name is Jamie. I am an English schoolboy. I am 11.

My school day starts at 8.50. We usually have 4 lessons. ICT is my favourite lesson! But I don’t like Maths. I think, it’s the most difficult subject. My lessons end at 3.15.

We wear a school uniform: trousers, a shirt, a jacket and a tie. And you? Please, tell me about your school day.

  1. Write about your school day. Then tell your classmates about it.

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