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sport is everywhere

sport is everywhere

роза латыпова
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Серия книг:

Sport is everywhere

Книга на английском языке

Составила и адаптировала

Латыпова Р.Г



От автора …………………………………………………………

Основной курс

Урок 1 …Nanain childish games……………………………

Урок 2 … The rules of the games ……………………..

Урок 3 … About the Olympic Games .….……………

Урок 4 … ”Gymnos”.…………………………………………..

Урок 5 …. Alla Semo is a gymnast ……………………

Урок 6 … Sport in the life……………………………………

Урок 7 … The invention of a new game.……………

Урок 8 … Basketball …………………………………………

Урок 9 … Learning the Game.…………………………….

Урок 10 …The history of baseball ………………………….

Урок 11 … Golf.……………………………………………



Ответы к заданиям …………………………………………..

Словарь …………………………………………………………


От автора

Перед вами учебное пособие, рассчитанное на 11 часов в средних учебных заведениях. Пособие может быть использовано на уроках, на подготовительных курсах, факультативах дополнительного образования; элективных курсах и для самостоятельного обучения.

Главная цель пособия – развивать у учащихся навыки чтения, перевода, извлечения, обработки и передачи информации на английском языке, подготовка к единому государственному экзамену.

Главная особенность данного пособия – условия для тренировки и усвоения лексики, тренировки и закрепления грамматического материала во- первых;

Во- вторых данное пособие может быть использовано и для начинающих и для подготовки к единому государственному экзамену.

Пособие состоит из 11 уроков по данной теме, словаря и ответа к заданиям.

Каждый урок содержит определенный раздел:

раздел « лексика» с целью упражнения по словообразованию, и правильному применению их, грамматические упражнения;

раздел « чтение» на полное понимание текста;

раздел «грамматика и лексика»; раздел « говорение» с целью монологического высказывания;

раздел « диалог» с целью обмена оценочной информацией.

Lesson1. Nanain childish games

I. Лексика

1.1. Прочитайте слова и обратите внимание на словообразование, определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:

a) Cc - city, cellar, cement, circle, center– центр, centre, central, centralize(consolidate, concentrate, decentralize, make compact); center - the middle point, a point about which something turns as the centre of the world, the centre of the city, field, a central stadium, shopping centre, an amusement centre; we played football only in the centre of the sport ground. Put it in the centre of the stadium!

b) Ii - mild, five, smile, kind, childребенок, a son or a daughter, a boy or a girl, child (kid, young person, baby, infant, youngster), children- childhoodchildish- childless; the grown – ups sometimes play childish games. I used to play hopscotch in my childhood.

c) Ee - green, see, tree, to compete (participate, take part in, try to win, race, struggle) - competitioncompetitive; the most teens like to compete. My friend is going to take part in cycling competition. In our time sportsmen often get cups and wreaths for winning the first place in sports competitions. All athletes and their coaches had to compete without any clothes many centuries ago.

d) Ea - between, read, meat, ease (no difficulty, simplicity, effortlessness, relieve, comfort) – easy -easily; the sportswomen could ski very quickly and with ease. The children could play the game easily. It is easy to sledge.

1.2 Правильно выберите слово, соответствующее предложению:

1) Centre – central – centralize

a)The football players were standing in the ….. of the football field. b) He tried to stay in a …. part of the ground. c) They stood in the …. and got bounced five feet!

2) Child (a baby) – children- childhood –childish- childless

a) He couldn’t help playing … games. b) One of the most favourite games of Nanain … was Needle, Thread and a small Knot. c) Since ….. games such as tug-of-war, kickball, and wrestling were popular.

3) Compete (take part in) - competition – competitive

a) Many years ago it was a regular …. between Nanain children in playing in a team. b) My friend always was absolutely …… .c) He would like to… with the other children too.

4) Ease (comfort) – easy - easily

a) Some child could make а louder whiz much ……. than their friends. b) It wasn’t …. to make а loud, whizzing noise. c) They could make different figures … the day before yesterday.

II. Чтение

2.1. Прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на вопроситель-

ные предложения, определите их тип и ответьте на вопросы:

1) One of the most favourite games of Nanain children was ”Needle, Thread and a small Knot”, wasn’t it?

2) Is it easy to understand the rules of this game?

3) Did all children in Russia play the game like this game?


  1. What games did Nanain boys and girls also like to play?

Needle, Thread and a small Knot”.

For all I know this game was one of the most popular games of Nanain children many centuries ago. It was played like many other games by the Nanain children regularly and was transmitted to the other generations.

The games usually were begun with the childish rhymes, well-known almost by all the children.

Nanain children knew many childish rhymes which were transmitted from their elder brothers and sisters for many centuries.

One of the most favourite games among other games was the game called”Needle, Thread and a small Knot’’.

Before starting the game Nanain Children chose ”Needle, ”Thread and a small Knot’’ by reciting their favourite childish rhymes.

The rest children then usually stood in a circle, and *moved in the circle, holding by each others’ hands.

The team from Needle, Thread, and a small Knot ran into the circle *one after another, and ran out of that circle back, holding by each others’ hands together.

Certainly they had some rules not to break:

  1. Needle, Thread, a small Knot should run into and from the circle together.

  2. No one could detain them.

  3. Needle, Thread, a small Knot should hold by each other’s hands every time during the game.

  4. Needle should run first, Thread could run only after the Needle and a small Knot should follow after Needle and Thread only.

If Needle and a small Knot or Thread, Needle or Thread lagged behind from each other or a small Knot came off from Needle and Thread or they ran out wrongly *one after another, that team turned out to be lost. Then the other team was chosen to run into and back the circle. Only the team which could move very and together, not breaking the rules could be thought to be winners.

Some teams could run much more easily and quickly than their friends. It was a regular competition between Nanai children in playing in a team.

Nanain games such as ”Reindeer-breeder”, ”Sun”, ”Sledges-sleighs”, ”A dogteam driver and dogs”, ”A skillful reindeer-breeder”, ”Partridges and hunters” were very popular. The Nanain children enjoyed playing these games many years ago.

*moved in a circle- двигались по кругу

*one after another – друг за другом

*”Sledges-sleighs”- нарты - сани

*”A dogteam driver and dogs - каюр и собаки

*”Partridges and hunters” -Куропатки и охотники

2.2. Какие из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют и о чем в тексте не сказано(true, false or not stated):

а) One of the most favourite games among other games was the game called ”Needle, Thread and a small Knot’’.

b) They enjoyed playing tag and hide and seek many years ago.

c) No one could detain Needle, Thread and a small Knot.

d) Children were keen on playing football.

e) Tug-of-war, kickball, and wrestling were popular too.

f) Nanain children played this game just like their parents caught the reindeer out of the herd.

2.3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений


Football in England 1_______________ among peasants. The game was cruel and dangerous, 2_______________. In one of Shakespeare’s plays we can learn that “footballer” was used as a swear-word. 3_____________ football re­mained the most widespread game of English people. Sometimes football matches lasted for several days!

The history of modern football began in the end of 4_____________. At that time the football rules allowed to play 5 _________________. There were arguments between play­ers. One side demanded that only feet should be used, 6__________________.

A. while the other insisted on “feet-and-hands” rules

B. the 19th century

C. by both feet and hands

D. was widely spread

E. In spite of royal orders

F. that is why football was officially banned by King Edward II and several others

III. Говорение

3.1 Discuss the problem using the following word combinations:

1) The boys at school made а very good showing at the last competition. Say what helped them to bе good at sports.

( to get up early, to get up early in the morning regularly, to run in the mornings, to take a shower,

to be disciplined, to be organized, to train a lot, to work hard, to believe to the coach, to respect the other members of the team, to be able to work in a team, to go to bed on time ….)

Don’t forget to use: firstly, what is more, in addition, to sum up…

3.2 Find the right variant:

    - Do you join any club, Sam?

    -______ I have never thought about it, Mike.

    - ______.What about going to the hockey club?

    -_______, but I absolutely can’t play hockey.

    -It’s OK. __________

    - ___________, if you ask me.

- Oh, thank you very much. It’s great!

    - _____________

    - Don’t worry! You don’t need to skate much.


Anything special to do?

Could you possibly help our team?

I don’t mind

Oh, no.

With pleasure

IV. Грамматика

4.1 Correct the mistakes:

1)”A skillful reindeer-breeder”,”Partridges and hunters” were a very popular.

2) Later rules changed much many times.

3) Games like as ”Reindeer-breeder”, ”Sun”, ”Sledges-sleighs”, ”A dogteam driver and dogs” were so such popular.

4) The children always tossed each the other.

5) People stood also too in а circle, holding the edges of stretched walrus’s skin.

4.2 Тест №1

1.Выберите правильную временную форму глагола (Indefinite):

1) Greeks often ... .wars many centures ago. a. wage b. waged c. have waged

2) Small states ... ... much then. а. suffered b. have suffered c. had suffered

3) Elis ... to live in peace last century. a. wanted b. will want c. wants

4) At first only men ... in the Games last sentury. a. take part b. took part c. have taken part

5) One thing ….unchanged today. a. remains b. remained c. have remained

6) The rules ... many times lately. a. changed b. were changed C.have been changed

2. В каком из следующих слов звук передаваемый [u] отличается от остальных:

Cup, sculptor, discus, runner, punch, up, jump, put on.

3. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1) ... this four-year period called the Olympic year? a. did b. was c. does d. do

2) .....usually the Olympic Games begin before the middle of the summer? a. did b. was c. does d. do

3) When . . . the revival of the Olympic Games begin? a. did b. was c. does d. do

4) When... winter sports make their Olympic debut? a. did b. was c. does d. do

5) … the Games called after the most outstanding sportsmen's names? a. did b. was c. does d. were

6) …they want to make friends and compete with sportsmen from the other lands to live in peace. a. did b. was c. does d. do a. did they b. didn't they c. had they d. hadn't they

4. Закончите вопросительные разделительные предложения:

1) At that time mаnу people practiced various kinds of

sports,... ? a. didn't they b. did they с. did it d. are they

2) Тhе first Games saw the competitions in nine kinds of sports,....? а. didn't they b. didn't it с. don't they d. doesn't it

3) The sports rules were changed many times,..? a. don’t they b. didn’t they c. weren’t they d. were they f. wasn’t they

4) The Winter Sports Week had taken place in 1924, ... ? а. had it b. hadn't it c. didn't it d. did it

5) Women couldn't watch the competitions at all , .. ? a. did they b. could they c. didn't they

6) Тheir coaches had to compete without аnу clothes, ...?

a. had they b. didn’t they c. did they

5. Укажите предложения, где глагол – «to hаvе» является модальным:

1) Since that time athletes and their coaches had to compete without any clothes.

2) The Olympic Games had been held for about eleven terms.

3) Тhеy have already got the Olympic programmers.

4) Manу spectators have just seen this historic event.

5) New sports complexes have bееn building lately.

6. Выберите правильную форму глагола( Indefinite or Progressive):

1) All athletes (1)… part in the games that they (2) ... well for the Games. (1) а. took b. have taken с. take (2) a. had prepared b. had bееn preparing с. have been preparing

2) This tradition (1) . а. survived b. was survived с. is survived.

3) In our time sportsmen often (1). ...cups and wreathes for winning. (1) a. got b. have got с. get

4) Everywhere we (1)... the smile of Misha, the little bear which (2) ... as the mascot of the Games. (1) a. see b. saw c. have seen. (2) a. choose b. chose c. had been chosen.


7. Выберите правильный вариант степени сравнения прилагательных:

1) Мanу poets wrote and recited public poems about the ... athletes. a. good b. best c. better.

2) Magnificent ... bodies inspired artists and sculptures. a. strong b. stronger c. the strongest.

3) Many ... sports and games were added to the programme. a. new b. more newer с. newest

4) Modern Olympics keep the... traditions. a. older b. oldest c. old d. the most oldest.

8. Выберите правильно so или such:

1) Many Olympics keep ….. old traditions today.

2) The bodies of sportsmen were …. magnificent.

3) Everywhere people could see … friendly smiling Misha.

4) The show at last competition was … good, exciting.



Last summer I spent one month in the village and learnt to ride a bike. Then I spent a lot of time helping my Granny with her garden and went swimming and fishing to the river every day too.

And what about you?

You went to the Sport Camp with your friends, didn’t you?

Did you often take part in any competitions?

Were your friends and you good at any sport?

I’ve got to go now.

Write back soon!

Best wishes,


Write 60-70 words.

Remember to be polite.

Ask 3 questions about her hobby.

Lesson 2. The rules of the games

I. Лексика

1.1. Прочитайте слова и обратите внимание на словообразование, определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:

a)Ea – eat, beating, each, achieve – achieve one’s purpose – achievable – achievement; he is anxious about achieving his purpose to be top at playing football. To celebrate this achievement he organized athletic games.

b) Ii - outside, like, find, admire – admirable – admiration; ”I want to be first,” she says with such great admiration. We were admired by the strength of the sportsmen. We can admire the corporal beauty of ancient and eternally young discus thrower, javelin bearer and others.

c) Ii/y - try, right, advise (careful opinion about what to do or how to behave) – advisable – adviser; it is curtain he would advice to go to bed so early. It is not advisable to go for a walk so late.

d) Ir - girl, dirt, first, third, certain (sure) - uncertain - certainly – certainty; they certainly more often play games that have rules to be followed. Uncertainly my brother would compete in cycling or wouldn’t…. Nobody has known the certainty of this task.

1.2 Правильно выберите слово, соответствующее предложению:

1) Achieve – achievable – achievement

a) They ….. a lot of good results in playing football. b) It was not …. to play the games without any rules. c) We were so happy to know about your excellent … at sport.

2) Admire – admirable – admiration – lost in admiration

a) We were full of …. while you were playing tennis. b) The match between those teams was so unforgettable and …. . c) Our sportsmen always ….their fans.

3) Advise – advisable – adviser

a) Our trainer can’t give you such an uncertain …. . b) It is not … to go to the forest and to ski today. c) Our trainer is one of the best …. in the world.

4) Certain (sure) – uncertain - certainly – certainty;

a) Sisters …. will take part in playing hopscotch. b) It is …. she runs to pick up a stick. c) They can’t say with …. what games they do like to play.

II. Чтение

2.1. Прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на вопроситель-

ные предложения, определите их тип и ответьте на вопросы:

1) Is it advisable to learn anything bу playing different games?

2) Do the children learn from stories they hear about games?

3) What games make the children pretend to do parents' work? 4) What skills do the games educate children?

5) A game can be a reason of going in for sport in future for any children, can’t it?


Many years ago Nanain children played many games. One of the noisiest and the most active games was the game called *”reindeer-breeder”. Nanain children played this game just like their parents caught the reindeer out of the herd.

For all Nanain children drew a circle and then they chose three shepherds by using some of special rhymes. While these ”shepherds” should be playing out of the circle and the rest of the children should stay in the circle.

And after some signal the sheepherders threw the ball trying to hit some of “deer”. Of course they kept some rules of the game.

1. The same “sheepherder” couldn’t throw the ball *two times running.

2. If one of the “sheepherders” caught the “deer”, he or she became hit out from the herd.

3. Every sheepherder could throw only 5 balls.

4. The ball could be shot only onto the legs.

5. The ball could be shot only after the signal.

6. The ball could be shot from the standing position only.

Then all the children counted the number of caught ”deer” and the team considered to be the top if it could hit more number of the ”reindeer”.

*reindeer-breeder”- оленевод

*two times running- два раза подряд

2.2. Какие из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют и о чем в тексте не сказано(true, false or unstated):

a) Nanain children played the game just like their parents caught the reindeer out of the herd.

b) One of the noisiest and the most active games was the game called”reindeer-breeder”.

c) Of course they didn’t keep any rules of the game.

d) When playing these games children learn the skills necessary to play the game.

e) Every sheepherder could throw only 7 balls.

f) The ball could be shot only after the signal.

2.3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-F

The bat is the principal emblem of the game. Its blade is made of white willow, the source of the symbolical King Willow 1_______________. А match is played between two sides of eleven players each. The score is reckoned by runs. The wickets are pitched opposite 2____________.

The two sides take turns at batting. The side 3___________ is said to be having its innings. Two of its players go into the field and take their plасе in front of the wickets, while 4______________ . These two are the bats­men, and their task is to hit the ball delivered by the bowler standing by the other wicket, and stay in as long 5_____________ The ball is bowled in over of six balls from each wicket alternately by two bowlers of the opposite team. In the meantime the other players of the opposite team have arranged themselves around the field, with the wicket-keeper behind the wicket facing the bowler in action. They are called fielders or fieldsmen. If the batsman hits hard enough and it takes the fielders some time to retrieve the ball, 6____________________ as they can afford to risk.

A. that goes in to bat

B. the rest sit and wait their turn

C. he and his fellow-batsman make as many runs

D. as possible.

E. before whom all players bend their backs

F. one another at а distance of about 22 yards (20metres)

III. Говорение

3.1 Discuss the problem using the following word combinations:

1) Some boys and girls say that they are not good at the sports and that’s why they don’t join а sport club. What will you advise them to do? Is the main aim always to become а champion?

(not to be alone, boring, to make friends, to have a lot of fun, to get some experience, to be confident,

to keep fit, to be slim, to be healthy,

to travel, to make a choice)

Don’t forget to use: firstly, what is more, in addition, to sum up…

3.2 Find the right variant:

David: At last I have a chance of seeing the most typically English game.

Nancy: Do you mean cricket, Bill?

David: ___________

Nancy: But it is not certainly as popular as football.

David: ___________ I have always believed that cricket was the most popular sport in Britain. But, of course, Britain is the country where football was originated.

Nancy: __________Would you mind going to this football match together with you?

David: Oh, no. ____________

It’s out of the question.

Yes, Kate.


Are you kidding?

IV. Грамматика

4.1 Correct the mistakes:

1) Why mustn’t the boys to play in the yard?

2) Can you played against each other?

3) Sport give us joy.

4) Practice make perfect.

  1. Where there are a will, there are a way.

  2. They want give a helping hand.

4.2 Тест №1

1.Завершите разделительные вопросы:

1) Нis negotiations were successful, . ? a. didn’t they b. weren't they с. aren’t they

2) This feast lasted one day, .. ? a. didn't it b. isn't it c. did it

3) We can admire the corporal beauty of discus thrower, ? a. don't we b. can't we c. did we

4) They certainly were to participate in the competitions,.. ?а. weren't they b. didn't they c. were they

2.Укажите, какое слово не имеет отношения к остальным:

cup, discus, wrestling, achievement, gymnast, javelin, race

3.Укажите слова с окончанием"ing",которые являются сказуемыми.

1) They had been preparing well.

2) Best athletes arrived to Olympia to compete in running, throwing of discuss.

3) For better understanding each chapter is provided with drawings.

4. Укажите правильный артикль:

1) Не understood .. ...importance of sport. a. a. b. an. c. the. d.-.

2) At first only ... .men took part in the Games. a. a. b. an. c. the. d.-.

3) One thing remains unchanged …popularity of these festivals. a. a b. the

5. Укажите правильный предлог:

1). . the 2d of June the International Congress of amateur sportsmen made а decision. a. In b. On c. At

2) Many spectators were presented ... many competitions. A. on c. at b. in

3) They watched them ... the television. A. on b. at c. in.

6.Выберите правильную форму инфинитива:

1). They wanted ... make friends.

2). … celebrate this achievement, he organized athletic games.

3) Women were not allowed even ... watch the competitions.

4) They didn't let them ... go to the stadium.

7. Подберите слова противоположные по значению:

Brave, hardworking, ancient, better, ugly, young, worst, beautiful, cowardly, modern, old, weak, strong, lazy.



Last week I had some of problems with my health. I couldn’t study at school properly. I had to miss the school a lot and now I have a lot of problems with my school subjects. I don’t know how to plan my day, to be healthy and to be good at school subjects.

Do you go in for any sport?

Is your main aim always to become а champion?

Is it very important to join any sport club?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Write back soon!

Best wishes,


Write 60-70 words.

Remember to be polite.

Ask 3 questions about her favourite food.

Lesson 3. About the wonderful history of the Olympic Games

I. Лексика

1.1. Прочитайте слова и обратите внимание на словообразование, определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:

a) Oo- son, mother, money, accompany (go with) accompanimentaccompanistaccompanied; The Olympic Games were always accompanied by art festivals. He is likely to choose a career of accompanist. The accompaniment of her performance on the stage by the music was tremendous, admirable and exciting.

b) Ou - house, mouse, mouth, announce (make known) – announcementannouncerannounced; I couldn’t hear the words of the announcer because of the loud noise. He announced about a new visitor. The announcement was shocking for the family.

c) Oo - old, nose, wrote, devote (give up) – devoteddevotion; a whole month was devoted to reorganization a neutral state. It was not advisable to devote his life to living in the country.

b) Er/ir - her, girl, skirt, eternal (without beginning or end) – eternally eternity; we can admire the beauty and strength of eternally young discus thrower, javelin bearer and others. Nobody can tell surely: ,,Is it an eternity or not?’’. The road seemed to be eternally long.

1.2 Правильно выберите слово, соответствующее предложению:

1) Accompany (go with) – accompaniment –accompanist – accompanied;

a) A son was ….. by his mother through the games. b) I couldn’t think he would become one of the best …. . c) The …. of that young sportsman was very important and advisable.

2) Announce (make known) – announcement – announcer – announced;

a) The sportsmen read the …. very attentively. b) His mother put the …. onto the door. c) The … began to read the sport news.

3) Devote (give up) – devoted – devotion;

a) A whole year was … to reorganization a neutral state. b) They were admired by the ….. to sport. c) He ….. himself to the professional sport.

4) Eternal (without beginning or end) – eternally – eternity;

a) We can admire the beauty of …. young discus thrower.

b) They could feel it …. . c) We felt suddenly the … of the space.

II. Чтение

2.1. Прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на вопроситель-

ные предложения, определите их тип и ответьте на вопросы:

1) Why did Elis decide to organize athletic games?

2) This four-year period was called the Olym­pic year, wasn’t it?

3) What games were included in the Games?

4) Were the Olympic Games accompanied by exciting art festivals?

’’About the Olympic Games’’.

Long ago ancient Greeks often waged cruel wars. Small states suffered much and lost much even if they did not take any side and stayed out of wars. There was a small state whose ruler was a man by name Elis. That ruler of such a small state, Elis, want­ed to live in peace with all neighbours. He was a good dip­lomat because of his talks. His talks were very successful and convincing *at any rate Elis was recognized a neutral state. To celebrate this achievement, he organized athletic games between all the sportsmen including the sportsmen of the confrontational sides.

In the beginning this feast lasted one day, but later a whole month was devoted to it. All wars and feuds were stopped by special heralds who rode in all directions of Greece.

The games were held every four years in Olympia on the territory of Elis. This four-year period was called the Olym­pic year or the

*at any rate – во всяком случае

Olympiad. The first games which later were called the Olympic Games were held about a thousand years before our era.

Usually the Olympic Games began before the middle of summer. Best athletes arrived from many Greek states to Olympia to compete in running, long jumping, throwing of dis­cus and javelin and wrestling. Later it was made some decision boxing to be also included in the Games.

All athletes took an oath that they had been preparing well for the Games in gyms and promised to compete honestly and keep the rules of the sacred Olympics firmly. The ath­letes could and had to take part in all kinds of competitions. Winners were self-importantly called “olympionics”.

But the Olympic Games were banned then for fifteen hundred years.

Only on the 23rd of June 1894 the International Congress of amateur sportsmen made an important decision: to revive the Olympic Games and to establish the International Olympic Committee. The first Committee consisted of only 12 members.

The first Olympics of the modern times were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece. Thousands of spectators watched the historic event when after fifteen hundred years the Games of the first modern Olympiad were announced open. The first Games saw the competitions in nine kinds of sports: athletics, swimming, gymnastics, weight lifting, wrestling, tennis, fencing, cycling and shooting.

At first only men took part in the Games. Later rules were changed many times. Women and girls were allowed to partic­ipate in the competitions, many new sports and games were added to the Olympic programme.

2.2. Какие из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют и о чем в тексте не сказано (true, false or not stated):

a) Elis want­ed to live in peace with all neighbours and he organized athletic games.

b) Best athletes competed in running, long jumps, throwing of dis­cus and javelin and wrestling.

c) Later boxing was also included in the Games.

b) The ath­letes couldn’t take part in all kinds of competitions.

d) The first Games saw the competitions in nine kinds of sports: athletics, swimming, gymnastics, weight lifting, wrestling, tennis, fencing, cycling and shooting.

e) Women and girls were allowed to partic­ipate in the competitions.

f) Only some spectators watched the historic event.

g) The first Committee consisted of 20 members.

2.3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений


But this game was regularly played on Sundays. There was a lot of pushing and shoving. The game was hard and violent. But in the 18th century the first Soccer Association was organized.

In the 19th century soccer became more popular. In big cities were increased the number of the men’s clubs. Soccer was played in schools too.

In the next twenty years many of Eng­land’s greatest clubs were born. Leicester City was founded in 1884 by former pupils of Wyggestone School 1_______________ to buy goalposts and а ball. Arsenal, the famous London club, was started in 1886 by workers at the Wool­wich Arsenal. Their first grandstand consisted 2_______________. West Bromwich Albion (founded 1879) was originally а boys’ club known 3___________________, to which members paid the large sum of 1 d. per /week. Other clubs had been stranger beginnings. Blackburn Rovers (founded in 1874) used 4______________ which had tо be covered over by planks; 5______________ meeting of Middleborough Football Club took place 6___________.

A. of two mili­tary wagons

B .who each subscribed one shilling and six реnсе

C. to play on а pitch with а pond in the middle

D. while the inauguration

E. as West Bromwich Strollers

F. at а supper in 1876

III. Говорение

3.1 Discuss the problem using the following word combinations:

1) Some girls and boys are considered not to take part in anу of the school activities (games, races, competitions, hiking). Тheу are said not to have got any time or not to be interested in playing the games. What things are more interesting for those boys and girls than sports and games? Are they useful? Do they help them in their life?( to hang out, to walk a lot, to watch TV, to be keen on reading books, to be mad about playing computer games, to enjoy drawing, to be busy with dancing)

Don’t forget to use: firstly, then, and, but, what is more, in addition, besides, to sum up…

3.2 Find the right variant:

Hello, Sam.

- Hello, Ike. Nice to see, you. How are you getting on?

- Thanks’, fine. I’ve heard you took part in a competition last Sunday. I must apologize to you for not coming to the swimming pool. I didn’t know about it.

    - _____________

- I want to ask you to forgive me. То say how sorry I am.

    -___________ It’s quite аll right.

- Sam, Is only swimming your favourite kind of sport?

- _____________ I consider everybody of different ages should go in for swimming. I like football too but I think I like basketball better. Do you play basketball, Ike?

- ____________

- How about a game sometimes?

- Well, I am more a spectator.

- __________, I am sending the ticket to the match then.

- Thank you. It’s really very kind of you.

- _________

- I am looking forward to seeing you. Buy!

- See you later!

I see,

Oh, that’s аll right.

It’s hard to say.

Never mind.

Yes, quite a bit.

No need to be sorry.

IV. Грамматика

4.1 Correct the mistakes:

1) Many of athlete become champions at Olympic Games.

2) The boys trained not very good.

3) Sportsmen shows very good results in many kinds of sport.

4) Do you know where the firstly Festival took place?

5) I wonder they would win tomorrow’s basketball’s game.

6) Who play baseball?

4.1 Тест № 3

1.Определите в каком предложении слово с окончанием,,ing’’-сказуемое:

1) Running, jumping, throwing had been held in many countries.

2) They are going to win all competitions.

3) We know the story about marathon running.

4) Talking of flat races we should mention the relays.

2.Определите, где глагол ,,to have’’является вспомогательным:

1) The athletes had to show the best results.

2) There had been no competitions.

3) The athletes had got many gold medals.

4) He has been running from morning.

3.Выберите правильный вариант( active or passive):

1) Running and walking ….on the track .a. are contested b. have contested c .contested.

2) In running we …flat races and hurdle races .a. distinguish b. will distinguish c. are distinguished.

3) Athletics ... justly ... the queen of sports .a. is called b .call c. has called.

4) Points ...for each event. a. are given b. give c. has given.

4.Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The Athletesnot only run. a. must b. are to c have to d should.

2) There ...to be four varieties of jumping. a. must b. are to c have to d should.

3) We ...also mention the relays. a. must b. are to c have to d should.

4) Both races …include many distances. a. must b. are to c have to d should.

5.Завершите разделительные вопросительные предложения:

1) Medium-distance runners compete at the distances,…? a. do they b. don’t they c. aren’t they

2) High jump is performed by sportsmen,….? a. does it b. isn’t it c. is it

3) A modern discus is smaller,…? a. isn’t it b. is it c. doesn’t it

4) The Athlete stands with his back to the throwing sector,…? a. does he b. doesn’t he c. isn’t he

6.Выберите правильный предлог:

1) To arrive ….good result. a. at b. in c. to

2) They are judged according …the best of 3 trials. a. to b. with c. at.

3) Athletes made their run up with weigh …their hands. a. on b. in c. at.

4) Discus is made …wood. a. of b. from c. out

7.Укажите правильный артикль:

1) At …end of ... second day. a. a b. the c. -

2)….sum of total is calculated. a. a b. the c. -

3)….pentathlon is for …women. a. a b. the c. -

4)…basic clothes for athletics include …singlets, ... slacks, shoes. a. a b. the c. -

8.Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1) They …not contested on the track yet. a. did b. do c. have d. are.

2) It …included these distances. a. did b. do c. does d. has e. is.

3) He ….shoed his tremendous clocking today. a. did b. has c. had d. does e. is.

9.Какое слово не имеет отношения к остальным:

1) Hurl, hurdle, dash, pass the baton, clear a bar, quiver, relay

2) Dialogue, diagonal, diadem, diameter, biathlon

10. Вставьте модальные глаголы:

a. can b. have to c. had to d. could e. are able f. was able g. were able

1) They….to play with a rubber ball in ancient Mexico.

2) The players ……to throw the ball into these goals.

3) The players …pass the ball to each other.

4) The team…win the game.

11.Выберите правильный вариант:

1) When the winter biathlon … in the North, ski races … in deserted areas. a. appeared b. has appeared c. had appeared

a. were held b. held c. has held

2) He told, ski races … popular in his country. a. have become b. had become c. became

3) Biathlon ...since 1957 when the first championship …... a. practiced b. has practiced c. has been practicing

a. is held b. was held c. has been held

4) I know he … the game. a. win b. won c. has won

V. Письмо


I know that the teenagers all over the world like to play different games during summer holidays. As we have agreed I’ll be visiting your country in June. What games do the Russian teenagers like to play? What do they know about American football? I’d like to know what kind of sport is the most wide-spread game in the place you live.

I’ve got to go now, I promised my mum to help about the house.

Write back soon!

Best wishes,


Write 60-70 words.

Remember to be polite.

Ask 3 questions about her family.

Lesson 4. Doing gymnastics

I. Лексика

1.1. Прочитайте слова и обратите внимание на словообразование, определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:

a) Aa- basic, game, pay, grace (elegance) – graceful –gracefully – graceless; the gymnasts were so graceful. The grace of sportsmen was so bright, so exciting, that nobody could help being excited.

b) Ii- exercise, revival, like, prize, inspire (influence with thoughts and feelings) –inspiration; it is so important when somebody inspires you during some competitions. After having spoken with one of the well known sportsmen he had a sudden inspiration and with the biggest impatience waited the beginning of the race.

c) Oo-not, long, Olympic, response (a speech in reply to) –responsibility –responsible; that man is responsible for the young sportsmen’s life here. I am not ready, the responsibility is great. He decided to response immediately.

d) Uu- queue, music, mew, new, pupil, value (worth) – valuable – valueless; the value of swimming is great. Walking is of great value to me. His achievement at sport is valuable for all people.

1.2 Правильно выберите слово, соответствующее предложению:

1) Grace (elegance) – graceful –gracefully – graceless;

a) Those dances were also the prototypes of one of the most attractive and … sports. b)She danced very … . c)I have never thought gymnastic makes people so .. .

2) Inspire (influence with thoughts and feelings) –inspiration;

a) The spectators loved the first gymnastic competitions and ….them greatly. b) The young girl was full of some sudden …. c) When you take part in some competition it is very important if somebody … you.

3) Response (a speech in reply to) –responsibility –responsible;

a) I am... for the future life of these children. b) It is not easy to be … for the results of the competitions. c) The …. was so great and he hesitated to make the decision.

4) Value (worth) – valuable – valueless

a) It was absolutely … to organize the clubs. b) Opening gymnasiums were of great … to young gymnasts. b) Running in the mornings is of a great … to many people in keeping fit.

II. Чтение

2.1. Прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на вопроситель-

ные предложения, определите их тип и ответьте на вопросы:

1) What does the word “gymnastics” mean?

2) Ancient Romans devel­oped Greek exercises, didn’t they?

3) When did the revival of gymnastics begin?

4) What clothes do the women and men wear during competitions?


To begin with, Greek reads ”gymnos”. That is why all physical exercises were done by Ancient Greek athletes without any clothes. All athletes competed usually in the undressed which were called then gymnastics, and the halls and schools where ath­letes trained were called gymnasiums.

Secondly, dances of those times often had some elements of acrobatics or gymnastics. Those bright dances were also the prototypes of one of the most attractive and graceful sports. In Greece young people were taught different exciting exercises, and the basic prin­ciples were written in ancient books.

In addition, ancient Romans devel­oped Greek exercises further and added new apparatuses such as horses, which are used today widely in all gyms.

What is more, like many sports gymnastics was forgotten for hun­dred years after the banning of the Olympic Games. Only in 1811 in Germany a new gymnasium was opened and the revival of gymnastics began. Many gymnastics clubs were organized, it was taught in schools and armed forces.

Besides, in 1860 the first gymnastics competitions took place in Czechoslovakia, and in 1912 gymnastics was included in the programme of the Olympics. At that time the competi­tions included not only exercises on the floor or apparatuses, but also running, long jump and shot-putting which are parts of athletics now.

Also in Russia the first gymnastics club was organized in 1883. It was absolutely valuable to organize these clubs. Gym­nastics became one of the most popular sports in Russia too. The spectators loved the first gymnastic competitions greatly and inspired them cheerfully.

As well, the Olympic and other international gymnastics cham­pionships include six exercises for men and four for women. Men’s events include floor exercises, vault, pommel-horse, parallel bars, horizontal bar and rings. Women’s events are: floor exercises, vault, beam and asymmetrical bars. In Olympic and other big competitions the best sportsmen are awarded by prizes for each exercise, then for an all-over cham­pionship and also for the team event.

And women’s performance is accompanied by music. Floor exercises usually begin the competitions.

Plus, in gymnastics women wear a one-piece suit with sleeves. Men’s clothes are: white slacks and sleeveless vests or singlets. Both men and women have light fabric slippers on their feet.

2.2. Какие из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют и о чем в тексте не сказано(true, false or not stated):

a) Opening gymnasiums were not of great value to young gymnasts.

b) At that time the competi­tions included not only exercises on the floor or apparatuses, but also running, long jump and shot-putting which are parts of athletics now.

c) In Greece young people were not taught different exercises.

d) Gym­nastics became one of the most popular sports in Russia.

e) Men’s events include floor exercises, vault, pommel-horse, parallel bars, horizontal bar and rings.

f) Women’s events are: floor exercises, vault, beam and asymmetrical bars and pommel-horse.

2.3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений


Biathlon competitions include 1_____________ over 20 km with four shooting exercises and a relay for teams of four men 2_____________ with two shooting exercises. In individual races shooting is done in the prone position at the 4 km and 12 km marks, and 3___________ at the 8 km and 16 km marks.

A skier has a small-bore rifle slung on his back and a supply of ammunition. The target for the prone position is about 8 cm in diameter with a 3.5 cm wide bull’s eye. The other target is about 17 cm in diameter 4__________. If the shooter misses the bull’s eye, one penalty minute is added to his overall time, and if lie does not hit the target,5___________. The shooting distance is different at each range and varies from 100 to 250 m.

In the relay event each member of a four-men team shoots twice (lying and standing) during his leg. The aim is to shatter five targets each time. The shape is 10 and 3.2 cm in diameter for the standing and prone positions, respectively. The shooter has 8 rounds of ammunition for each exercise, but failing in the accuracy of shooting 6_____________. Thus even slow marksmen may beat fast but nervous opponents with ease.

A. where each covers 7.5 km

B. an individual cross-country race

C. two minutes are added

D .with an 11.5 cm wide bull’s eye

E. he has to run a penalty loop of 200 m for each unbroken target

F. in the standing position

III. Говорение

3.1 Discuss the problem:

1) From time to time competitions are held in sports and games at your school or in your region. What do you think the aim of such competitions is?

( to give a helping hand, to learn to understand each other, to make friends, to spend the time with the classmates,

to teach how to organize free time, to teach children to be healthy, to show some ways of being healthy, happy,

to teach to be more careful, attentive, to support each other)

Don’t forget to use: firstly, then, and, but, what is more, in addition, besides, to sum up…

3.2 Find the right variant:

Hello, Natasha, pleased to meet you.

- Hello, Sergei. __________

- __________ This is a puck, isn’t it?

- Yes, it is.

- _____________ Do you really play hockey?

-No, but my brother does. He can’t imagine his life without hockey. He is playing hockey today but he has forgotten his “magic’ puck at home.

- ________________

- Mark, could I ask you to go with me?

- _________

Oh, it’s a pity.

Are you kidding?

Thanks’, fine.

What’s this?

How’s everything?

Sure, of course.

IV. Грамматика

4.1 Correct the mistakes:

1) It was a very good game, was it?

2) They lost the game, don’t they?

3) Nobody trained enough, didn’t they?

4) Many great poets described the beauty of theirs native land in poems.

5) I am sure what Tom will be the champion runner because he is the winner in all races.


Test N 4.

1. Выберите правильный вариант( active or passive form):

1) When this penalty shot…only the goalkeeper…the goal.

a. is given b. gives c. was given

a. defends b. defended c. will defend

2) If the goal … the penalized player … to play.

a. scores b. is scored c. will score d. will be scored

a. will return b. will be returned c. is returned d. returns

3) Knowledge and skills … to lace the boots correctly.

a. need b. are needed c. needs

4) I’m glad you …at last. a. have come b. had come c. come

2. Выберите правильный вариант наречия:

1) Did you have a good journey?-Terrible. I came to the station rather.. and almost missed the train. a. late b. lately

2) They spoke very a. aloud b. loudly

3) They heard the …voices of the fans. a. aloud b. loudly

4) That runner is running very .. a. slow b. slowly

5) Her playing is very … . a. slow b. slowly

3. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) If the puck touches the goalkeeper or goalposts, the game … be stopped. a. can. b. must c. may

2) Skates are worn over a pair of woolen socks so the boots … be a number more than usual footwear. a. can b. must c. may

3) Students … to play ice hockey. a. can b. may c. are allowed

4) The game …. begin from the centre of the playing field. a.can b. must c. may

5) The players … dribble or pass the ball to each other. a. can b. may c. must

6) They … to hold the ball with two hands. a. can b. are allowed c. are


Выберите правильный вариант степени сравнения имен прилагательных:

1) Volleyball is … than basketball. a. young b. younger c.the youngest

2) The basketball was … . a. heavy b. heavier c. the heaviest .

3) A new … ball was used. a. light b. lighter c. the lightest


5. Выберите правильный вариант наречий


1) Volleyball … found its fans. a. quickly b. quick

2) Basketball is a .. game in the world. a. quickly b. quick

3) They trained … before the match. a) hard b) hardly

4) They ran over the field … and couldn’t score a goal. a. hard b. hardly

6. Выберите правильный предлог


1) I’m looking … my team-mate. a. for b. after c. at

2) Have you been invited … the match? a. to b. for c. at

3) Who was the man I saw you talking .. ? a. in b. to c. for

4) Many people are fond … winter sports. a. of b. in c. about

7. Выберите правильный вариант местоимений:

1) That players are dressed in their vests. Where are … ? a. you b. yours

2) Many ice-hockey clubs are here, but where is … ? a. our b. ours

3) She brought … skates and gave him. a. her b. hers

4) Our country is famous with … players. a. its b. his

8. Выберите правильный вариант наречий:

1) They are playing football …a. since 9 o’clock b. for an hour and a half c. now

2) Our sportsmen had won the world championship many times… a. since that time b. last year c. in 1998.

3) In Russia the first gymnastics club was organized … 1883.

a) in b) since c) for

4) … that time the competi­tions included not only exercises on the floor or apparatuses, but also running, long jump and shot-putting which are parts of athletics now. a) at b) since c) in

V. Письмо


Do you do morning exercises? I love running in the mornings and going to the gym. And after school I usually run there and spend two or three hours. But my family doesn’t understand it. What would you do if you were me?

Write back soon!

Best wishes,


Write 60-70 words.

Remember to be polite.

Ask 3 questions about favourite TV programe.

Lesson 5. Alla Semo is a gymnast.

I. Лексика

1.1. Прочитайте слова и обратите внимание на словообразование, определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:

a)Ii- sister, sit, still, consider (think about carefully) – considerable –consideration; I consider she loves gymnastics very much. The sportsman was sure the distance was more considerable. Alla’s mother considered her daughter needed something to do.

b) Oo - choice, clock, on, honest (just) – honesty – honestly; could you compete honestly? Honesty is the best necessity at sport. He is considered to give an honest opinion.

c)Ee - step, get dressed, success (good fortune) – successful –successfully; he always had great success at sport. Alla is a successful gymnast. They could finish successfully.

d) Uu - but, cut, butter, until, suffer (feel mental or bodily pain) – sufferance –sufferer – sufferable; Alla didn’t suffer from getting up early morning. She was made to join the sport club on sufferance. She didn’t suffer from headache.

1.2 Правильно выберите слово, соответствующее предложению:

1) Consider – considerable –consideration;

a) That sportsman is …. to be the best one in jumping. b) She … it was her mother’s right choice to go in for gymnastics. c )Her mother couldn’t help ….. her desire and feelings. d)The distance was enough …. .

2) Honest (just) – honesty – honestly;

a) He is supposed to be one of the … people in the world. b) They are said to be able to compete …. . c) I consider … is one the best characteristics of my friend.

3) Success (good fortune) – successful –successfully;

a) He couldn’t help considering that his honest helped him to be … at this situation. b) She loved to do tricks …. . c) That man is considered to be a vey ……sportsman.

4) Suffer (feel mental or bodily pain) –sufferance –sufferer – sufferable;

a) The girl … from getting up early in the mornings. b) Only on … she could join them. c) My friend is not afraid of … at all. c) This girl is said to be very … .

II. Чтение

2.1. Прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на вопроситель-

ные предложения, определите их тип и ответьте на вопросы:

1) Why did Alla’s mother take her sister and her to а class in gymnastics?

2) Why could soon Alla get up оn the high beam?

3) Every day Alla had to get to gymnastics bу six o’clock, didn’t she?

4) Does she help the other kids who want to do gymnastics?

That was good work”

When Alla was little, she could not sit quietly. She loved to do tricks successfully. One day she slid down the steps оn her back.

Alla’s mother considered her daughter needed something to do. Alla’s mother took her to а class in gymnastics. Alla was six only. No оnе sat quietly in the gymnastics class. It was а place to skip, jump, flip, run, twist, and spin.

Alla worked and worked. She worked hard. Soon she could get up оn the high bеаm. She walked across the beam оn tiptoes. She began to do splits оn it. Then she could leap off the high beam well.

Alla loved gymnastics very much. She also liked working with her teacher.

Every day Alla had to get to gymnastics bу six o’clock. She would wake up at five, eat, and get dressed. Alla didn’t suffer from getting up early morning. She got used to do it very quickly. Then hег mother drove her to the class. There Alla worked until it was time for school.

After school, she was back doing gymnastics. At night she did all of her homework. It was а long day.

Alla was very good at gymnastics. She was asked to bе оn а team with other girls. They went to many gymnastics meets.

One day after one of the games, the coach said,”That was good work, Alla”. At the meets, the coach began to work with Alla more and more. The coach helped her to win high marks.

You can do it, Alla Semo,” the coach said. “Give it all you have.” The coach considered it was her mother’s right choice to go in for gymnastics.

Alla gave gymnastics lots of her time. She loved the winning. She made good friends too. They were from the same team. They worked together hard, they helped each other and supported strongly each other.

Alla helped the other children who wanted to do gymnastics at the same time. She went to school every day, and she got high marks there, too.

2.2. Какие из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют и о чем в тексте не сказано(true, false or not stated):

a) She loved to do tricks, did she?

b) It was not а place to skip, jump, flip, run, twist, and spin.

c) Alla did go to many gymnastics meets.

d) Every day Alla had to get to gymnastics bу eleven o’clock.

e) Alla has given gymnastics less of her time.

f) She has loved the hanging out.

2.3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-F:

Volleyball is not old. It is younger 1____________. Volleyball was invented 2______________ in 1895. He thought that basketball was only good for young people and invented a game for all ages.

In his game two teams of players struck a basketball with their hands and 3__________. Then tennis net was put between them at a man’s height. The basketball was heavy, 4____________. An important rule has been observed since that time: players must not catch, hold and throw the ball.

As in many other games, the volleyball rules changed 5__________. Many people liked and played volleyball which soon crossed the ocean and landed in Europe and Asia. It was very popular because the rules were as simple as the equipment for the game.

In our country volleyball quickly found its fans 6____________ .

Volleyball was included in the Olympic programme only in 1964, though the world championships began in 1949. The Russian sportsmen, both men and women, won the top Olympic title too.

  1. than basketball

B. by an American physical culture teacher William Morgan

C. so a new lighter ball was used

D. as time went by

E. did not let it fall on the court

F. that played it at stadiums, beaches, squares and parks

III. Говорение

3.1 Discuss the problem:

1)Remember the latest (hockey) football match: what teams took part in the match; who the leading players were; in whose favour the first period finished; what the score was; who played best of all; what the spectators’ reaction to the match was.

(Match is a football game. To consist of two times, the pause between the first and second times is, the players have a rest, to change the gates, two teams (home, guest)

A goalkeeper, to play with hands, penalty area, to defend

Full-backs, to oppose against the forwards, the half-backs, in the center of the field, to help the full-backs, to return the ball, to score the goal.

to score the same number of goals, draw)

Don’t forget to use: firstly, what is more, in addition, to sum up…

3.2 Find the right variant:

-Hello, Rauf.

-Hello, Dima. ____________ How are you getting on?

- ____________ You know, this Sunday my favorite team is playing against your team.

-Are they really? ___________ They are my favorite teams too.

- I have two tickets. Would you like to join me?

- ____________ I would not miss this only chance.

That’s great!

Fine, thank you.

Nice to hear you.

Sure thing.

IV. Грамматика

4.1 Correct the mistakes:

1) They won because they had train much.

2) We enjoyed the competition, because the teams played hardly.

3) He is such sad. I think his team has lost the football game.

4) The two friends wanted to stayed at school and play football.

5) My mother ask me to go in for swimming all year round.


Test № 5

1. Выберите правильный артикль:

1) ...children start skating at ... age of 4. a. a b. the c. - a. the b. a c. -

2) All … players would become … world champions. a. a b. the c. a. the b. a c. -

3) This sportsman is … thin man with … large, kind eyes. a. a b. the c. - a. the b. a c. -

4) She is going to write … article about … last match. a. \an a b. the c. - a. the b. a c. -

5) Canada demanded … professional players should be allowed to participate in … world championships together with the amateurs. a. a b. the c. - a. the b. a c. –

2. Правильно напишите косвенную речь:

1),, A new stadium will be built in our town.’’

He said that …. a. will b. would

2),, Our children will be able to go to play games there.’’

They say that ….. a. will b. would

3),, My favourite team won the game.’’

She said that…. a. won b. had won

4),, It was an exciting race to watch.’’

They said that …a. was b. had been

3. Выберите правильный вариант


1) Last week there was so … rain that we couldn’t go to the stadium. a. many b. much

2) Very … people have watched that game. a. little b. few

3) I couldn’t enjoy watching figure-skating competitions, there was .. snow yesterday. a. much b. many

4. Составьте предложения:

1) Sports\ often \ talk \ they \ about.

2) These \ skates \ to \ please \ pass \John.

3) With \ they \a bell \ which \signaled \ for \changed \ a whistle \was \ .

4) Not \its \football \only \found \ supporters \ England \ in \.


Выберите правильный вариант:

1) You sound as if your problem is general stress, so let’s… what we can … a. look, b. see a. do b. make

2) First, you don’t get enough exercises I .. . a. am thinking b. think c. consider

3) You must breathe enough fresh air. If you don’t, your body won’t work .. . a. properly b. proper

4) ... that you get some exercise … . a. make sure b. assured a. each b. every day

5) The exercise … be violent, a good ... is enough. a. needn’t

b. need c. must a. walk b. work

6.Выберите правильный вариант наречия:

1) I enjoyed the game. a. Neither do we. b. Neither did we. c. So did we.

2) They didn’t compete. a. Neither did they. b. So did they. c. Neither do they.

3) The students didn’t take part in the race ….. .a. too b. also c. either d. neither

7. Выберите правильный артикль:

1) What time do you get …home? a. a b. the c- .

2) There’s some cake left. Would you like … piece? a. a b. the c- .

3)…. water in the bottle is dirty. a. a b. the c- .

4) This is ...good meal. …. potatoes are wonderful. a. a b. the c- .

8. Выберите правильный вариант( indefinite or progressive)

1) While he ... his bicycle, they came there by bus. a. was riding b. is riding c. rode

2) While the team … harmony and understanding between animals and people, another team enjoyed it. a. was showing b. is showing c. showed

3) While he … downhill, his friend stood and cried. a. was riding b. is riding c. rode

4) When he ….. downhill with laugh, she was doing her homework. a. was riding b. is riding c. rode

5) When I ….. ,he was starting the race. a. was coming b. is coming c. came

6) When he …..to cover the distance ,we were having lunch. a. was trying b. is trying c. tried

V. Письмо


My parents don’t let me do any sport. They are sure it is very dangerous for my health. They think I can break something or get a lot of injuries, hurt myself. They let me watch TV a lot, play computer games and they like when I am at home. I don’t know what to do.

I’ve got to go now to play the piano.

Write back soon!

Best wishes,


Write 60-70 words.

Remember to be polite.

Ask 3 questions about his pastime.

Lesson 6. Sport is…

I. Лексика

    1. Прочитайте слова и обратите внимание на

словообразование, определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:

a) Ee - v

ery, tennis, better, attention (care and help) – attentive; sport makes people healthy, keeps fit; to be more organized and better disciplined and very attentive. Sport is paid much attention to in our schools. Our government pays great attention to sport.

b) Ea - head, heavy, help, health (the state of being well) – healthful – healthy; the most number of people consider that going in for sport is one of the best and tremendous ways to be healthy, strong, and slim. You should walk a lot to be healthy.

c) Ee - nectar, themselves, lesson, necessary (which must be) –necessity; there are all necessities to win for our sportsmen; all necessary facilities are provided for them: stadi­ums, swimming-pools, skating-rinks, football fields. It is necessary to do morning exercises for everybody.

d) Ous - dangerous, famous, serious (thoughtful) – seriously – seriousness; they consider it is the most serious way of caring about their health. He thought about something very seriously.

1.2 Правильно выберите слово, соответствующее предложению:

1) Attention (care and help) – attentive;

a) Sport is paid much …. to in our schools. b) Our government pays much …. to professional sport. c) This pupil is very …. . d) You should be … while they are playing this game.

2) Health (the state of being well) – healthful – healthy;

a) I am sure sport makes people …. . b) We should remember it is … to walk after supper every day. C) We should take care about our ….

3) Necessary (which must be) –necessity;

a) All … facilities are provided for them. b) Going in for swimming is …. for me. c) There are many … activities connected with sport in our schools.

4) Serious (thoughtful) – seriously – seriousness;

a) They are said to be fond of in running, jumping, playing basketball or football …. b) They were admired by his …. . c) It is …. to play chess. d) Everybody was sure about his ….in many situations.

II. Чтение

2.1. Прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на вопроситель-

ные предложения, определите их тип и ответьте на вопросы:

1) Why is sport very popular among people in all the countries of the world?

2) What facilities are provided for them?

3) There are many activities connected with sport in our schools, aren’t there?

4) Sport makes people healthy, keeps fit, be more organized and better disciplined, doesn’t it?

Way of caring about health”

To begin with,

sport is very popular among people in all the countries of the world. Sport makes people healthy, keeps fit, more organized and better disciplined and very attentive. Everyone can go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, foot­ball, basketball, body-building. The most number of people consider that going in for sport is one of the best and tremendous ways to be healthy, strong, and slim. They consider it is the most serious way of caring about their health.

Secondly all necessary facilities are provided for them in every city and town: stadi­ums, swimming-pools, skating-rinks, football fields, sports grounds.

In addition sport is paid much attention to in our schools. Physical training is а compulsory subject. There are many necessary activities connected with sport in our schools. So many pupils look forward to school, because of the school sport activities. Sport activities include different games. They are popular with pupils. Running competitions are held by pupils in autumns and springs everywhere. Skiing competitions are held in every winter. And there are some sport traditions too in the schools. During holidays all the pupils have different sport competitions. They compete in running, jumping, playing basketball or football seriously. Physical training lessons in schools are held out­side in summer. When it is соld outside the lessons are held indoors.

And usually all the pupils go in for different kinds of sport, such as water sports, gymnastics, horse-racing, wrestling, fencing, lifting, boxing, football, basketball, volleyball.

But they should remember that they are playing both for their school and for themselves. They are learning to be together, to support each other, to make friends, not to betray, to rely on each other.

What is more practically sport helps to overcome some difficulties, connecting with health problems very often. And it develops better understanding the other people. And of course it gives a sense of individuality. Someone can be good at math; the other can be good at the other school subjects. But it doesn’t mean they can be good only at sport but they can feel themselves good and happy.

2.2. Какие из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют и о чем в тексте не сказано:

a) Sport is very popular among old people only.

b) Sport makes people healthy, keeps fit, more organized and better disciplined and very attentive.

c) So many pupils look forward to school, because of the school theatre activities.

d) They should remember that they are learning to be together, to support each other, to make friends, not to betray, to rely on each other.

e) But gymnastics and tennis are less popular in Russia.

2.3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-F:

Historians found many facts that running, jumping and throwing had been held in many ancient countries: Egypt, Assyria and of course, Greece. Ancient Olympic Games in­cluded mostly athletic events. We all know the story about marathon running 1____________ , running to tell his people about their victory.

Athletics is not only the oldest, 2_________________. Many people all over the world practice running or jumping 3____________.

As modern sports athletics began to develop in the middle of the 19th century. The first regular athletics competitions began about 1850. In the beginning running races were held on open fields. 4________________ where sportsmen could train and compete.

Athletics was in the programme of the 5______________ . The International Amateur Athletics Federation was formed in 1912. It was made responsible for administration of athletics rules, competitions and so on. In 1912 there were 17 member countries in it; 6__________ . The main athletics international competitions are the Olympics, the European championships, Asian, African and American Games, and world championships.

A. but also the most popular sport

B. when a warrior covered more than forty kilometers

C. Later stadiums appeared

D. because the other sports suppose that sportsmen must be fast and keen

E. now the Federation unites more than 130 countries

F. first Olympic Games

III. Говорение

3.1 Discuss the problem:

1) Why it is so: sports help to make people strong, brave and cheerful. Sports help to make people good friends. Sport shows your character. Sport gives us joy and pleasure. Exercise is good for all of us. ( to go to the same sport club; to be interested in the same kind of sport, not to be boring, not to be alone, to work hard, instead playing computer games,playing some active games, to learn to win and to loose, to learn to make a decision, to draw any conclusion)

3.2 Find the right variant:

- Hello, Jessy.

- __________ Al.

- Oh, I know you’ve just passed exams, haven’t you?

- ___________

- What are you going to do then?

- _________ It looks like a choice between playing golf or tennis every day. I am mad about playing both golf and tennis. I think I would much prefer to play tennis.

-What are your feelings about football? We are playing football to night. We need one player.

- ______________ I always thought football was as boring as working in a garden.

- You are absolutely wrong. This game is so fantastic and only for strong and brave men.

- __________ I think I should try it.

Yes. I have



I am so sorry.


IV. Грамматика

4.1 Correct the mistakes:

1) You went on hiking five times in this summer.

2) Can you play the football?

3) They are good in at this kind of sport.

4) They play basketball with any some of the other boys.

  1. Any some fans left the stadium and some any fans stayed there.

4.2 Test № 6

1. Составьте правильно предложения:

1) ago, several, thousand, first, years, appeared, boats.

2) lakes, to, used, cross, them, people.

3) one, mау, for, bе, boat, this.

4) winning, the ,after, players, service, change, position, their.

2. Укажите правильный вариант:

1) …peoples in . . . countries used paddling boats. a. many b. much

2) The kayaks were made of . . . . animal bones and skins. a. many b. much

3) Не got ... .information about countries оn the radio. a. many b. much

4) Each team may touch the ball ... .times. a. many b. much

3. Укажите правильный вариант:

1) А canoe was.... originated from North America. а. also b. too с. either d. neither e. so..

2) Not always boxing matches last to the end... . а. also b. too с. either d. neither e. so..

3) The boxers are not allowed to hit with an open glove ... . а. also b. too с. either d. neither e. so

4) Canoeing became popular, …boxing. а. also b. too с. either d. neither e. so..

5) Some players don't change their position ... а. also b. too с. either d. neither e. so..

4.Выберите правильный вариант степени сравнения:

1) The ring is encircled in... .ropes. а. thick b. the most thick.

2) Pursuit track races are… .a. the most interesting b. interesting

3) They get ... sum of things. а. good b. the best

4) Logs were . а. more comfortable b. comfortabler

5.Укажите правильный вариант наречия:

1) They start as as possible. a. quick b. quickly

2) Cycling is а .. . kind of sport. a. quick b. quickly

3) Winner is the first cyclist, who passes over …200km. a. usual b. usually

4) Track events ... ..take place оn special cycling tracks. a. usual b. usually

6.Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) What ... .уоu …at 11 o'clock yesterday? a. were doing b. did do.

2) Put up your umbrella. It…. а. rains b. is raining.

3) Mу friend ... for when I arrived. a. waited b. was waiting.

4) They ... chess at this time yesterday. a. played b. were playing

5) She is sad because her team …. the game. a. has lost b. lost c. was lost

6) Do not disturb him, he … now. a. has trained b. is training c. Trains

7.Поставьте глагол в пассивной форме:

1) I .. . never ... to party. a. to invite

2) These houses ..100 years ago. a. to build

3) How …. the window ...? a. to break

4) Water polo … in а pool. a .to play

8.Выберите правильное местоимение:

1) 0xford is famous for … university. а. his b. its.

2) Weight-lifter puts оn ...one-piece costume. a. his b. its

3) She gave to him ... .leather shoes. a. his b. its

4) Russia is popular with ... players. a. his b. its.

V. Письмо


My younger brother does some sport regularly. He is very good at sport. He is ready to spend a lot of time only in a gym.

Taking part in the competitions and winning the games is more important for him than studying well at school. He has a lot of problems with school subjects and parents too. What do you think about such difficult situation? How can I help him?

Write back soon!

Best wishes,


Write 60-70 words.

Remember to be polite.

Ask 3 questions about his school subjects.

Lesson 7. The invention of a new game.

I. Лексика

1.1. Прочитайте слова и обратите внимание на словообразование, определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:

1) Ee - invent, inventor, influence, invest, prevent (stop) – preventable –preventative –prevention; what prevented your taking part in this competition? Many things in our life are preventable. The most number of people were shocked by the … of the game.

2) Aa – back, catch, ran, rapid (quick) – rapidly – rapidness; the rapidness of the river was so big. They turned back so rapidly. He ran up to his mother rapidly. He catches the ball rapidly.

3)Er/ir - her, were, first, third, refer (point to) – referee – reference; my friend always refers his success at diving to the daily trainings. That man is well-known referee in football. The game is full of references; it is not a game of mine.

4) Uu- you, new, music, youth -youthful –youthfulness – youthfully; our government pay a great attention to youth’s problems. Her youthful appearance astonished everybody. She behaved herself very youthfully.

1.2 Правильно выберите слово, соответствующее предложению:

1) Prevent (stop) – preventable –preventative –prevention;

a) It was so difficult …. the game. b) Everything in this life is said to be …. . c) I don’t agree with that… .

2) Rapid (quick) – rapidly – rapidness;

a) He could pass the ball … . b) The … of the team saved them. c) His thoughts are so … d) I can’t so … solve this problem.

3) Refer (point to) – referee – reference;

a) It is responsible to … honestly. b) He will probably choose a career of football …. . c) The …of the match satisfied everybody.

4) Youth -youthful –youthfulness – youthfully;

a) The …. of our city is for the prevention of the harmful games. b) She acted so … . c) I don’t think that sport is …. .

II. Чтение

2.1. Прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на вопроситель-

ные предложения, определите их тип и ответьте на вопросы:

1) How was the basketball invented?

2) Did the students like the game?

3) What rules did they have?

4) Why did they have the rules?

5) At first a ladder was used to take the ball out of the basket, wasn’t it?

The invention of a new game.

Its inventor, James Naismith, taught physical training in a college. His students liked to play ball. Naismith put two baskets at opposite ends of the courts.

Eightееn young men ran into the little gym. The instгuсtоr put nine boys оn one side and nine on the other. Не told them to throw the ball to each other оr bоunсе it and, when they wеrе near the wall where the basket was nailed, to try to throw the ball into the basket and the players were to throw the ball into these goals.

At first when the goal was scored, a ladder was used to take the ball out of the basket. Later baskets were made bot­tomless so that the ball would drop right through them. To prevent the ball fly out of the court backboards were placed behind the baskets.

What а game it was! When several of the men fell to the floor as they were playing; the instructor stopped the game.

Не sat down and took out а piece of paper and а pencil. Then he began, “Rule number оnе: No оnе can run with the bаll. You have to throw оr bоunсе it to someone else оn уour side. » It was the first good rule. “Rule number two: If а man pushes another player to get the ball, the game will stop. The man pushed will have а free throw at the basket. Nobody must try to catch the ball оn its way to the basket.”

Quickly, other rules were made. When the game started again, there was less pushing, fewer men falling, and better passing of the ball from оnе man to аnоthеr. А second basket was nаilеd to the wall at the other end of the gym. .

At first basketball was only played by American college students. The new game became very popular. First competi­tions were held in 1895 in the USA.

2.2. Какие из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют и о чем в тексте не сказано: True or false?

1) At fist nineteen young men ran into the little gym.

2) The instгuсtоr put nine boys оn one side and nine girls on the other.

3) The players were to throw the ball into these goals.

4) Later baskets were made bot­tomless so that the ball would drop right through them.

5) No оnе can run with the bаll.

6) You have to throw оr bоunсе it to someone else оn уour side.

2.3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-F:

When the ball crosses the side or “touch” line, it is thrown back by the player opposing those 1___________. If it crosses the goal line from the attacking team’s players, 2____________. If it was the defender 3______________, then the attackers take a corner kick from which the goal can be scored.

4_____________when the ball has passed over the goal line between the goal posts and under the crossbar. Three referees conduct the game: one in the field and his two as­sistants at the opposing touch lines.

The players wear jersey shirts, shorts, knee-socks and special boots with pikes on the soles. The goalkeeper’s shirt should be of different colour than 5_____________. Besides, the goalkeeper has gloves for hand-protection.

Football is the most popular game in Britain. 6_____________ in most of the schools, colleges, and universities. There are a lot of amateur teams in all parts of the country. But the most number of populations enjoys a professional game, a professional football. Professional football is a big business. Every large town has own professional football club.

A. who sent the ball over his own goal line

B. who sent it out

C. the defenders take the indirect free kick

D .The goal is scored

E. the shirts of field players

F. It is played

III. Говорение

3.1 Discuss the problem:

1) Give the situation when you can use these words and phrases: to set uр а record, to hold uр а record, to play in а match, to score goal, the score is three-nil, to win, to lose, draw, spectators, fans, to cheer up, visiting team, home team, to get first place, gold medal; to be good at running; to win two-nil; to end in а draw; tо develop character and rapid thinking.

3.2 Find the right variant:

- Hello, Tom. Nice to meet you.

- Hi . _____________

-__________ Thanks.

- Would you like to go to the stadium today?

- Thank you very much. ___________ Who is playing? When does the game begin?

- Some visiting team and our home team. The beginning is at half past four p. m.

- ___________ Where are we meeting?

- At the stadium.

- _________________

- I think nothing.

How are you getting on? What should I take with me? It’s all right. I’d love too. Ok.

IV. Грамматика

4.1 Correct the mistakes:

1) There are any some field lines marked on the walls of the pool.

2) They don’t wear some any caps of contrasting colours.

3) One of them is the a goalkeeper.

4) A game begins from since a centre of a playing field.

5) Players are stopped by a whistle of a referee.

4.2 Test № 7.

1.Выберите правильную форму наречия:

1) She drank … water. a. little b. few

2) I speak . .. Spanish. a. little b. few

3) There was ... food in the fridge. a. little b. few

4) They have ... mоneу. a. little b. few

5) I know ... words of Spanish. a.little b. few

2.Выберите правильный вариант:

1) They are ... .waiting for these sportsmen. a. still b. yet

2) Hе hasn't come ... . a. still b. yet

3) In Russia only rich people were ... yachtsmen. a. still b. yet

4) Before the revolution yachting was not popular ... .a. still b. yet

3.Выберите правильный предлог:

1) Thеу ask ...а wide belt to support the back. a. for b. on c.. in.

2) But he heard that news ... the radio. a. for b. on c.. in.

3) When he was ... holiday they were at home. a. for b. on c.. in.

4) They were waiting ... а championship. a. for b. on c.. in.

4.Поставьте глагол в нужном времени:

1) While boxers \to fight\ he stood near the ring.

2) While the canoeists \to compete\ оn flat water, the boys watched it.

3) When he \to соmе\ up to the field \they \to dress\.

4) When tobogganing championships \to began\ he \to travel\around the world.

5. Составьте правильно предложения


1) If you | to ring \ me up, I / to tell / you about last match.

2) If the team |to be trained| well, they | to win |.

3) If I |to see | her, I |to give| her skates.

4) If I were, I |to help| my team.


Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The boxers …to strike below the waist. a. are not allowed b. may c. was not allowed.

2) They …..to hold the opponent. a. have not b. must not c had not.

3) He … raise a towel onto the ring which stops the match. a. can b .is able.


. Напишите текст, используя правильную временную форму глагола:

it \ to be \ a wonderful match. The two teams \ to play \ for only 3 minutes when Ivanov \ to score \ the first goal. Suvorov \ to score \ almost a minute before. Local Irtish /to come/ back with a fine attack. Unfortunately Popov, their centre forward, \ to leave \ the field in the 35th minute. He \ to hurt \ his ankle badly earlier, but \ to play \ despite the injury.

V. Письмо


Summer is coming. I want to look good. I would like to be energetic and physically fit. Now I try to keep a diet, go to bed on time and get up early. I have already joined our school fitness club too. What special do you do to look good and to stay healthy? What makes people healthy? What do you think about a healthy lifestyle?

Write back soon!

Best wishes,


Write 60-70 words.

Remember to be polite.

Ask 3 questions about her summer holidays.

Lesson 8. History of Basketball

I. Лексика

1.1. Прочитайте слова и обратите внимание на словообразование, определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:

1)Aa- dance, ask, park, pass, basketball, advance (go forward) – advancement – advanced; the game was so exciting, rapid, nothing could prevent the advance of the players. Studying at the sport school is so advanced for the young sportsmen.

2) Ee - direct, defect, defend (protect) – defendant – defensive - de­fense– defenseless; some fence was constructed around the stadium as a defense. They tried to defend their fields.

3) Uu - cute, pupil, music, suit (satisfy) – suitable –suitability –suitably – suitableness; this room is suitable to live. The competition will suit us well. There are so many suitable sort facilities in my town to do sport.

4) Oo -elbows, oppose, opponent, suppose (imagine) – supposed – supposedly – supposition. We can suppose he will win the game. It is only our supposition. The girl is supposed to skate very well.

1.2 Правильно выберите слово, соответствующее предложению:

1) Advance (go forward) – advancement – advanced;

a) The main idea of the sport school is the …. of talented sportsmen. b) His demands are considered to be more …. . c) Her ideas were in … .

2) Defend (protect) – defendant – defensive - de­fense– defenseless;

a) His kick was an excellent … against the opposite team’s game. b) It was so difficult and rapid game to … own gates properly. c) The … was my brother.

3) Suit (satisfy) – suitable –suitability –suitably – suitableness;

a) The place … me. b)The stadium is so … to organize cycling competition. c)I was admired with the … of the sport ground.

4) Suppose (imagine) – supposed – supposedly – supposition;

a) I …the game will be exciting. b) Every sportsman is ... to play honestly. c) It is only …, but not a fact.

II. Чтение

2.1. Прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на вопроситель-

ные предложения, определите их тип и ответьте на вопросы:

1) Did in ancient Mexico Aztecs play a game with a rubber ball? 2) How did the game look?

3) Where did they aim the ball?

4) Which rules were the main ones?

History of basketball

In ancient Mexico, Aztecs are supposed to play a game with a rubber ball. The players of the opposing teams tried to drive the ball through a stone ring fixed high above the ground. The players were not allowed to take the ball in their hands. They played with their arms and elbows. That game looked very much like modern basketball which appeared in 1891 in the USA and now is played all about the world.

There are many rules that direct the game, and people say that it is easier to learn to play basketball than to under­stand it.

A basketball team consists of five players. The game be­gins with a jump-ball in the centre of the court. The referee tosses the ball up between two players of opposing teams who try to pass the falling ball to their team-mates.

When a team gets the ball, its players may pass it to each other or advance it by dribbling. Dribbling is bouncing the ball on the floor up and down with one hand. But when a player catches it with two hands or holds it in one hand he must either pass it or shoot at the goal quickly.

While passing or dribbling the players try to find a suitable position usually close to the goal. They aim the ball straight into the basket or bounce it on the backboard and through the ring.

The players must not touch their opponents with hands, push or hug them. If they do, they get a personal foul. After five fouls a player must leave the court. Violation of the rules may also be punished by two free throws from the 15.09 feet (4.6 m) dis­tance to the goal.

The game consists of two 20 minutes periods. The team that scores more points wins the game.

Basketball is played on a flat court 45.93 feet (14 m wide) and 85.30 feet (26 m long). There are several lines marked on the court: a central circle, two free throw lines, a central line and two restricted areas.

The goals which are fixed above narrow ends of the court are made of metal rings 18 inches (45 cm) in diameter with bottomless nets hang­ing from them. The ring is fixed on the backboard 70 inches (180 cm) wide and 48 inches (120 cm high). The distance between the ring and the floor is 120 inches (305 cm.) The ball is round, usually orange in colour, and weighs about 21.1644 oz (600 grams)

Basketball players wear sleeveless vests and shorts and special basketball shoes with rubber soles.

2.2. Какие из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют и о чем в тексте не сказано: True or false?

1) A basketball team consists of five players.

2) The game be­gins with a jump-ball in the left corner of the court.

3) The referee tosses the ball up between two players of opposing teams.

4) When a team gets the ball, its players can’t pass it to each other it.

5) The players must not touch their opponents with hands, push or hug them.

6) The game consists of two 22 minutes periods.

2.3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-F:

The first F. A. Сup Final was played in 1871 at Kenning­ton Oval in South London and it was won by а team 1____________, who beat the Royal Engineers by one goal to nil. Since then the F. A. Сuр has become the most coveted football trophy in England, and each season scores of clubs, 2_____________, set out on the long hard trail 3___________ with the Сuр Final in May, played before а roaring, singing crowd of 120,000 at Wembley Stadium, а few miles from the centre of London.

In 1900 at the Paris Olympics soccer 4______________by contingents from England, France and Denmark.

А similar scene, 5____________, takes place practically in every town and city throughout Britain, with great crowds cheering, some sporting silk rosettes, colored scarves and paper hats, and wavering wooden rattles.

But not with standing this carnival atmosphere soccer is treated very seriously by the majority of the people, who have а profound knowledge of it, for soccer in Britain is а national winter game.

Apart from the professionals, there are 1,500,000 people 6______________. In spite of its dimensions it is а highly organized, carefully integ­rated world, almost exclusively run by working people in their own time.

A. great and small

B. was played

C. though of а smaller size

D .called simply The Wanderers

E. that culminates

F. who plау football in Britain with amateur status

III. Говорение

3.1 Discuss the problem:

How does sport influence on а person’s health and what one must do to become stronger and healthier? Do you think morning exercises are enough to show good results in running or jumping? What is necessary to do for the best results at sport?

(to do morning exercises regularly, to train in running after school, to skip a lot, to go to the swimming pool regularly, to ski in winter, to train in long and short jumping properly)

3.2 Find the right variant:

- Hi, Mike. Nice to meet you.

- Hi, Nick. ______________

- Thanks’, fine.

- Did you watch the last football match?

- ______________ I couldn’t help watching the match.

    - How did you like the game? ____________

- They played one of the best games. ____________ Three to nil in favour of my team.

- _____________

- Oh, yes.

Congratulations! How’s everything? It was fantastic! What was the score? Yes, of course.

IV. Грамматика

4.1 Correct the mistakes:

1) The English sportsmen were a the first winners of the Olympic gold medals.

2) The first rulers of this game was were written down in 1877.

3) Goal posts place at every each end of the field of play.

4) Tricks is are penalized by a free throw.

5) The game is played at in 4 quarters five minutes each.

    1. Test 8


I .. . never ... to football match.


This stadium …10 years ago.


How… that window ...?


Water polo … in а pool.


0xford is famous for … university.


Weight-… puts оn his one-piece costume.


The water in the bottle is … .


This is the... meal.


It wasn’t … to begin the game.


The … stood in the center of the field.


Вариант 2

She gave to him ... .leather shoes.


Russia is popular with the …. .


Is there … cake left?

While he ... his bicycle, they came there by bus.


While the team … harmony and understanding between animals and people, another team enjoyed it.


While he was riding downhill, his friend …near the hill.


When he ….. downhill with laugh, she was doing her homework.


When I ….. ,he was starting the race.


You are looking forward to … entertainments.


The little baby was full of the feelings of ….


He was worried about solidarity, а … controlled system.



Вариант 3

When he …..to cover the distance ,we were having lunch.


If I … her, I will give her skates.


If I were, I … my team.


If I were, I … the game.

not stop

He was the … player.


It was the … game.


What must one do to become … than someone?


She … swimming very much


My daughter is fond of ….


He continued …. in for sports.


V. Письмо


I think there’ nothing better than playing football together with friends while others would rather play computer games or watch football match on TV.

What do you think about it? How would you prefer your free time?

Write back soon!

Best wishes,


Write 60-70 words.

Remember to be polite.

Ask 3 questions about his favourite games.

Lesson 9. Learning the Game.

I. Лексика

1.1. Прочитайте слова и обратите внимание на словообразование, определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:

1)Ee - special, well, entrance, enter, engineer, entertain (show hospitality) – entertainment; going to the match was one of the best ways to entertain my friends. If you are looking forward to different entertainments, you will go to Moscow.

2)Aa -place, bake, cake, gain, play, playful (fond of play) – playfully – playfulness; my kitten is so playful. The little baby was full of the feelings of playfulness.

3)Ii/y - right, find, rely, polite (having good manners) – politely –politeness; mother made their children be polite. Politeness is the best way to make friends. They asked for something very politely.

1.2 Правильно выберите слово, соответствующее предложению:

1) Entertain(show hospitality) – entertainment;

a) All the children are keen on childish … . b) Parents always try to … their children. c) Everybody would like to go to the … centre during holidays.

2) Playful(fond of play) – playfully – playfulness;

a) Michael was very … and had a good sense of humor. b) They explained everything very … . c) The child seems to be ….. . d) I know he can help you to solve the problems …...

3) Polite(having good manners) – politely –politeness;

a)He is said to be such … person. b) He came up to her so … . c) Her manners showed only …

d) I consider only …. can help solve many problems effectively.

II. Чтение

2.1. Прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на вопроситель-

ные предложения, определите их тип и ответьте на вопросы:

1) What do you know about baseball players?

2) Michael Jordan was very proficient in sports, wasn’t he?

3) What did he do to find the right place for his talents?

4) Did Michael Jordan play baseball very well or study well too?

Michael’s school years

Michael Jordan like many other teenagers attended the school. Michael was a typical teenager, though he was very good at sports. He never looked for any special status, though he was the best one. He was both an excellent basketball player and a great baseball player. Michael also played junior football. He did everything to find the right place for his talents. Michael was very playful and had a good sense of humor.

Michael Jordan was very busy with sports but he never forgot his schoolwork. He was a very strong student, nice and polite. The teachers respected him very much. He was well-liked by both the teachers and the students. In Home Economics lessons Michael Jordan liked to bake bread and cakes and brought them home. The family loved him very much.

When he entered a college Michael had some good idea to study well and to continue going in for sports. He joined the college basketball team. Michael quickly discovered that college basketball was far different from the basic plays he had learned at Laney. Coach Smith was worried about solidarity, de­fense, and а tightly controlled system. Players would form а bох­ around the basket and work the ball around from the wings to the comers until some­ оnе had а clear attempt. The system relied оn pinpoint passing and the scoring talents of all the players, not just one shooting star. This system had made the Tar Heels the best team.

Championships were the last thing оn Michael’s mind as hе began his college life. Не signed up for classes in geography, math, English and other subject.

Since Michael had won а basketball scholarship, he did not have to take а job to help pay his expenses. Between classes and practice, hе hardly had time for either а job or entertaining.

Michael made both the team and the starting lineup. The team’s practice sessions were filled with all kinds of exercises, from passing and dribbling exercises to protective and injuring ones.

Michael played well for most of the season.

Michael was named the АСС Rookie of the Year.

2.2. Какие из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют и о чем в тексте не сказано: True or false?

1) Michael was not a typical teenager, though he was very good at sports.

2) He always looked for any special status.

3) He was both an excellent basketball player and a great baseball player.

4) Since Michael had won а basketball scholarship, he had to take а job to help pay his expenses.

5) Between classes and practice, hе hardly had time for either а job or entertaining.

2.3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-F:

Biathlon competitions include an individual cross-country race over 20km 1___________ and a relay for teams of four men 2_____________ with two shooting exercises. In individual races shooting is done in the prone position 3________________, and in the standing position at the 8 km and 16 km marks.

A skier has a small-bore rifle slung on his back and a supply of ammunition. The target for the prone position is about 8 cm in diameter 4________________. The other target is about 17cm in diameter with a 115cm wide bull’s eye. 5____________, one penalty minute is added to his overall time, and if lie does not hit the target, two minutes are added. The shooting distance is different 6____________ from 100 to 250m.

A .at the 4 km and 12 km marks

B .with a 3,5cm wide bull’s eye

C.If the shooter misses the bull’s eye

D. where each covers 7.5 km

E. at each range and varies

F .with four shooting exercises

III. Говорение

3.1 Discuss the problem:

What do you think about the meaning of each of these expressions derived from sport?

a) You are a poor sport. That’s not fair play. He’s a dark horse. The game’s up.

3.2 Find the right variant:

- Hi. Did you watch the last football match?

- Oh, yes. __________

- _________________

    - They played one of the best games.

    - What was the score?

- ______________

- Congratulations!

Three to nil in favour of my team. I did. How did you like the game?

IV. Грамматика

4.1 Correct the mistakes:

1) The guests like to see international matches at in the Moscow Sports Palaces.

2) They let any some little children figure-skate when they are 4 years old.

3) Their mother makes the boy and his father to go to the stadium.

4) We go to the stadium on by bus.

5) There is a usually usual game at our gym.

4.2 Test 9

Вариант 1

It is the …. match, isn’t it?


The two teams had been playing for only 3 minutes when Koshkin scored the …. goal.


Suvorov….almost a minute ago.


Local Irtish came back with the … attack.


.Popov, their center forward, left the field in the 35th minute.


He had hurt his ankle …, but he played despite the injury.


Our sportsmen lead to the … contests.


Everybody heard about the … man on our around planet.


There are many other brilliant sportsmen like him, …?


4.2 Test 9

Вариант 2

Recently I … some articles about them.


That players are dressed in their vests. Where are …?


Many ice-hockey clubs are here, but where is …?


Since I have known them I do not to stop….


Our country is ….. with its players.


They … football now.


Our sportsmen … the world championship many times since that time.


At the end of the …..day.


The pentathlon …. for the women.


4.2 Test 9

Вариант 3

The ….sum of total is calculated.


The basic clothes for athletics …. singlets, slacks, shoes.


They…not on the track yet.


It included these….. .


He had … trip the day before yesterday.


Baseball is a game of both individual and collective … .


. was a pastime for children.


and people of different professions became members of this club.


It developed …. dur­ing the Civil War years.


V. Письмо


I like going out with my friends, discussing all problems with them, meeting new people, making new acquaintances though my parents disagree with me.

Do you like hanging out with your friends, playing different childish games? What do you get from playing any games? How do you spend your free time? Do your parents contradict your interests?

Write back soon!

Best wishes,


Write 60-70 words.

Remember to be polite.

Ask 3 questions about his birthday party.

Lesson 10. Тhe history of baseball

I. Лексика

1.1. Прочитайте слова и обратите внимание на словообразование, определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:

1) ai - hair, chair, air, declare (make known by words) – declaration; the results of the game are declared immediately. The declaration about the Final Game was made by the TV.

2) Ee-replica, rent, pen, represent (explain) – representation – representative; it was not difficult to represent the main idea of the project. The most number of people are against the representation of the worst results.

3)re - reread, rewrite, remove, respect (pay attention) – respectable – respectability – respectful; you respect your coach very much. My friend is a very respectful man. I was admired with his respectability to the family.

1.2 Правильно выберите слово, соответствующее предложению:

1) Declare (make known by words) – declaration;

a) I am not going to … my thoughts and feelings. b) She has known about …. lately. c) They should know everything about that … .

2) Represent (explain) – representation – representative;

a) The game …. the human strength. b) Many poets …. the human beauty in their poems. c) She is not going to declare her …. d) Her action … everything clearly.

3) Respect(pay attention) – respectable – respectability – respectful;

a) We should … the teens’ thoughts and feelings. b) This action is said to be very … . c) I think she is a very … girl. d) He is well-known by his great …. .

II. Чтение

2.1. Прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на вопроситель-

ные предложения, определите их тип и ответьте на вопросы:

1) Who invented baseball?

2) Is baseball a uniquely American sport?

3) Running, jumping, throwing and lifting were pastimes for children, weren’t they?

An American sport

Baseball is a uniquely American sport, it was not invented by а single person. Probably the game went forward from а variety of stick-and-ball games that were played in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americans for centuries and brought to the colonies by the most different group of people ever to populate а continent.

Baseball became American international pastime. Running, jumping, throwing and lifting were pastimes for children.

In New York City a group of young men paid their attention to this game. In 1845, a bank clerk named Alexander Cartwright suggested to form own club.

And in that year а group of baseball enthusiasts organized the New York Knickerbockers Club. They tried to standardize the game by estab­lishing rules for “proper play.”

The Knickerbockers could not find a suitable place to play this game. New York was growing very quickly during 1840s and buildings were built in many of vacant places.

The Knickerbockers traveled to New Jersey and rented Elysian Field and played their game there. Bankers, teachers, and people of different professions became members of this club. Many other clubs appeared. One of them was Washington Club. It became known in 1852. The Knickerbockers and the Washingtons played two games a year.

In 1858 under the leadership of the Knickerbockers a convention of ball clubs was held and the National As­sociation of Base ball Players (NABBP) was formed, and base­ball became а business. By 1860 there were about sixty teams in the Association. Baseball’s development was slow dur­ing the Civil War years, but teams continued to compete.

After the Civil War, returning soldiers helped to inspire а new interest in baseball all over the country. It is one of the best games of America.

Baseball is a contest between two teams of nine or ten players each. Baseball is played most in the USA. This game is regarded as the national pastime.

Many spectators annually watch the best players perform with the professional American and National major league teams.

Baseball is a game of both individual and collective strength, including strategic maneuvers, intellectual attraction, physical skills and powers.

2.2. Какие из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют и о чем в тексте не сказано: True or false?

1) Baseball didn’t become American international pastime.

2) Running, jumping, throwing and lifting were not pastimes for children.

3) Bankers, teachers, and people of different professions became members of this club.

4) Base­ball was on its way to becoming the nation’s number­ one sport.

5) Baseball is a game of both individual and collective strength, including strategic maneuvers, intellectual attraction, physical skills and powers.

2.3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-F:

Volleyball was included in the Olympic programme only in 1964, though 1______________. The Russian sportsmen, both 2___________, won the top Olympic title three times and 3____________. Their strongest opponents have always been the players from Japan.

Volleyball is played on a 4__________________. The court is divided into two halves with 5________________. The height of its upper end is 2.43 m for men and 2.24 m for women. The net is 9.5 m long and has a white band at the top. The round ball is made of 6_____________ and weighs 250—260 gm. A team consists of six players.

A. a net suspended over the middle

B. 9 by 18 m court

C .the world championships began in 1949

D .men and women

E. two times were in the second place

F. leather with a rubber bladder inside

III. Говорение

3.1 Discuss the problem:

What do any people think about going in for sport every day? Is it a good habit or wasting time?

(to be taken seriously, to learn to be responsible for, all sport facilities: a swimming pool, a skating rink, a football field, to be keen on cycling, to be fond of skiing, figure skating, to go out after 9 o’clock, to put on weight, to turn to drugs and alcohol, to enjoy life, to express their individuality, what they do and talk.

3.2 What do you think about each of them?

- watching TV;

- joining any sport club;

- having a computer;

IV. Грамматика

4.1 Correct the mistakes:

1) What did the boys do while they were are playing football?

2) Are they proud that those they have won the game?

3) Is was the game exciting yesterday?

4) Do people who lives live in this house are angry with the football players?

  1. Where must ought children to play active games?

4.2 Test 10

Вариант 1

The students … a shower towel and a shower cap yesterday.


If you know all the rules of this game you …any problems.

have no

The basketball team … a much-loved American team.


Many poets wrote and recited public poems about the ... athletes.


Magnificent ... bodies inspired artists and sculptures.


This team is a team …the game .


One American football player …worldwide fame with his team many years ago.


He got much …from tennis competition.


I am mad about …. .


4.2 Test 10

Вариант 2

In the English schools pupils … a uniform.


For example, for one school a basic PE lesson uniform … a navy blue skirt for a girl.


There will always be people who follow the latest styles because they want to look their best and be more…. though they are sportsmen.


The baseball … from forty to eighty or so players, doesn’t it?


The … band entertains at sports events and parades.


He … to help people understand the mysteries of soccer for many years.


He … capture the feeling of streets, energy, fun, the sadness and danger.


When the winter biathlon appeared in the North, ski races were held in …. areas.


The match was going … live on radio.


4.2 Test 10

Вариант 3

He told, ski races became the… kind of sport in his country.


Biathlon has practiced since 1957 when the first championship....


This tradition… .


In our time sportsmen often get cups and wreathes for … .


Everywhere we ... the smile of Misha, the little bear who ... as the mascot of the Games.

see /choose

Many more municipal courses аге required …in England.


The Dutch have also аn own …..


Its flight was …...


The older, scarred balls traveled more ….


So many fans …. in the accident.


Lesson 11. Golf.

I. Лексика

1.1. Прочитайте слова и обратите внимание на словообразование, определите, к какой части речи относится выделенное слово:

1)Aa -lamp, that, travel, accident (something that happens unexpectedly) – accidental – accidentally; because of the car accident he couldn’t take part in boxing competition. So many fans were hurt in the accident. They consider she could win accidentally.

2)Ii - design, desire, deny, derive (get or obtain) – derivative – derivation; my brother could derive not only a pleasure but a profit too from skiing in the mountains. If you want to get some firm knowledge, you should find out the derivation of the things.

Fire, tire, require (ask for) – requirement; they required to leave the stadium. The requirement was so strict and unpleasant.

3)Ii - bright, night, light, flight, tight (not loose) –tightly – tightness; my mother maintains my opinion tightly. The door is so tight. We can’t open it.

1.2 Правильно выберите слово, соответствующее предложению:

1) Accident (something that happens unexpectedly) – accidental - accidentally

a) Then it was noticed ….. . b) The … broke all my plans. c) I can’t say it is …. . d) The boy is said to score the ball …. .

2) Derive (get or obtain) – derivative - derivation

a) The word “golf” certainly … from the Dutch word “kolf” – meaning а club. b) Everybody would like to understand the ….. of the game. c) They could explain the … beginning of the word.

3) Require (ask for) – requirement

a)Many more municipal courses аге …., particularly in England. b) Every sportsman understood all the rules easily because the …. was so clear. c) You should follow the ….. .

4) Tight(not loose) –tightly – tightness

a) The sportsmen usually wear special … clothes. b) He couldn’t think it was a … corner. c) I was confused by the … . d) She was dressed in a very .. skirt.

II. Чтение

2.1. Прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на вопроситель-

ные предложения, определите их тип и ответьте на вопросы:

1) But what are the origins of golf?

2) Were the balls made of leather, stuffed with feathers?

3) Do the modern balls differ from old ones?

4) What do you know about golf?

Golf is a game.

More and more people in Britain are finding out that golf is not а good walk wasted, since it is а “walking” game. The number of people playing golf is increasing. Many more municipal courses аге required, particularly in England, where in the past, the game has been restricted very much to private clubs and those who can afford the high membership fees. In Scotland, with its high proportion of municipal courses, golf has always been very much а working-class sport – and the tendency is now beginning to be seen in England.

But what are the origins of the game of golf? It is suggested that the Romans may have downed their armour from time to time to take part in а similar type of game. The Dutch have also аn own explanation. The word “golf” certainly derives from the Dutch word “kolf” – meaning а club.

Originally the balls were made of leather, stuffed with feathers. In 1850 these made way for the solid gutta-percha (gut tie) balls. Half а century later came the invention of the rubber-cored ball which became very popular.

Today’s ball has а semi-fluid center surrounded by strips of rubber, wounded under high pressure. It, of course, has а dimpled surface, and there is а story behind this. In the “gut tie” days the ball had а smooth surface and its flight was changeable. Then it was noticed accidentally that the older, scarred balls traveled more accurately, so the golfers themselves hammered and smashed them before play.

All golf equipment has become more sophisticated, but even today some of the world’s top golfers still rely on an old hickory-shafted putter which would not have been new even in their grandfathers’ time.

2.2. Какие из приведенных предложений соответствует содержанию текста, какие не соответствуют и о чем в тексте не сказано: True or false?

1) The number of people playing golf is not increasing.

2) Originally the balls were made of leather, stuffed with feathers and wounded.

3) In 1850 it was made the solid gutta-percha (gut tie) balls.

4) Half а century later came the invention of the rubber-cored ball which became very popular.

5) Today’s ball has а semi-fluid center surrounded by strips of rubber.

6) Even today some of the world’s top golfers still rely on an old hickory-shafted putter.

2.3 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-F:

Historians found many facts that 1_____________ had been held in many ancient countries: Egypt, Assyria and of course, Greece. Ancient Olympic Games in­cluded mostly athletic events. We all know the story about marathon running 2_____________- more than forty kilometers, running to tell his people about their victory.

Athletics is not only the 3__________, but also the most popular sport. Many people all over the world practice running or jumping because the other sports suppose that 4___________.

As modern sports athletics began to develop in the middle of the 19th century. The first regular athletics competitions began about 1850. In the beginning running races were held on open fields. Later stadiums appeared where sportsmen could train and compete.

Athletics was in the programme of the first Olympic Games. The International Amateur Athletics Federation was formed in 1912. It was made responsible for administration of athletics rules, competitions and so on. In 1912 there were 17 member countries in it; now 5_____________. The main athletics international competitions are the Olympics, the European championships, Asian, African and American Games, and world championships.

Athletics competitions are held at stadiums. That is why 6_____________ called “track and field”. Athletics are divided into three main parts: running and walking, jumping and throwing.

A .oldest

B. when a warrior covered

C. running, jumping and throwing

D .the Federation unites more than 130 countries

E. it is sometimes

F. sportsmen must be fast and keen

III. Говорение

3.1 Discuss the problem:

Some people are sure golf is not for young people.

( entertainment, to be exciting, to become more patient, not to be an active game, to be expensive, to have a special place to play, to be very fond of walking a lot)

3.2 What do you think about each of them?

- Being keen on listening to music

- Going in for athletics

- Reading a newspaper.

IV. Грамматика

4.1 Correct the mistakes:

Our sportsmen lead to in most of international contests. Everybody hears to about the strongest man on our around planet and those who are before him. There are many much other brilliant sportsmen like him Voronin who has set a the world records and has broken them to set new one. Recently I have read some any articles about them. Since I have been known them I do not to stop amusing.

4.2 Test № 11

Вариант 1

The girls … choose оnе of the two specific styles of the skirts


If the weather …not warm, the girls would wear a navy blue cardigan or pullover.


They with a rubber ball in ancient Mexico.


The players threw the ball into … goals.


The players pass …. the ball to each other.


. team could win the game.


The players have always been holding one of the first places in international …… .


Volleyball …in the Olympic programe only in 1964.


The …. sportsmen won the top Olympic title three times.


4.2 Test № 11

Вариант 2

All equipment ..already.. more sophisticated.


I do not to stop … .


She brought … skates and gave him.


My mother …never .. .


Soccer is an … and … pastime.

interest usual

He will take part in a ….. .


He was mad about … .


It did more to …spots in general.


The girls wear flat, plain black, navy or brown shoes …to wear with a school uniform


4.2 Test № 11

Вариант 3

He couldn’t help … games.


She liked to take part in all …. .


He was ….. the best one.


That game was the …. one.


If he goes in for sport he…. good at it.


Did you see … sportsmen from Russia?


They used to play … games much.


My son …. the prize for winning yesterday.


She is keen on …. in the competitions.

take part

Ответы к заданиям:

6. Find the right variant:


    -Hello, Sam.

    -Hello, Mike. How are you?

    -I’m fine. What’s this?

    -The skates.

    -Can’t you skate?

- Very little. I can skate, but I absolutely can’t play hockey.

    - Really? Could you possibly help our team?

    - Of course, if you ask me.

- Oh, thank you very much. It’s great!

    - But in what way?

    - Don’t worry! You don’t need to skate much.

    Lesson 2

Bill: At last I have a chance of seeing the most typically English game.

Kate: Do you mean cricket, Bill?

Bill: Yes, Kate.

Kate: But it is not certainly as popular as football.

Bill: Really? I have always believed that cricket was the most popular sport in Britain. But, of course, Britain is the country where football originated.

Kate: Would you mind going to this football match together with you?

Bill: Oh, no. It’s out of the question.

Lesson 3.

Hello, Sam.

- Hello, Ike. Nice to see, you. How are you getting on?

- Thanks’, fine. I’ve heard you took part in a competition last Sunday. I must apologize to you for not coming to the swimming pool. I didn’t know about it.

    - Oh, that’s аll right.

- I want to ask you to forgive me. То say how sorry I am.

    -No need to be sorry. It’s quite аll right.

- Sam, Is only swimming your favourite kind of sport?

- It’s hard to say. I consider everybody of different ages should go in for swimming. I like football too but I think I like basketball better. Do you play basketball, Ike?

- Yes, quite a bit.

- How about a game sometimes?

- Well, I am more a spectator.

- I see, I am sending the ticket to the match then.

Lesson 4.

Hello, Ann, pleased to meet you.

- Hello, Mark. How’s everything?

- Thanks’, fine. What’s this? This is a puck, isn’t it?

- Yes, it is.

- Are you kidding? Do you really play hockey?

-No, but my brother does. He can’t imagine his life without hockey. He is playing hockey today but he has forgotten his “magic’ puck at home.

- Oh, it’s a pity.

- Mark, could I ask you to go with me?

- Sure, of course.

Lesson 5.

-Hello, Tom.

-Hello, Nick. Nice to hear you. How are you getting on?

-Fine, thank you. You know, this Sunday my favorite team is playing against your team.

-Are they really? That’s great! They are my favorite teams too.

- I have two tickets. Would you like to join me?

- Sure thing. I would not miss this only chance.

Lesson 6.

- Hello, Mike.

- Hello. Al.

- Oh, I know you’ve just passed exams, haven’t you?

- Yes. I have.

- What are you going to do then?

- Well, It looks like a choice between playing golf or tennis every day. I am mad about playing both golf and tennis. I think I would much prefer to play tennis.

-What are your feelings about football? We are playing football to night. We need one player.

- I am so sorry. I always thought football was as boring as working in a garden.

- You are absolutely wrong. This game is so fantastic and only for strong and brave men.

- Really? I think I should try it.

Lesson 7.

- Hello, Tom. Nice to meet you.

- Hi .How are you getting on?

-Ok. Thanks.

- Would you like to go to the stadium today?

- Thank you very much. I’d love too. Who is playing? When does the game begin?

- Some visiting team and our home team. The beginning is at half past four p. m.

- It’s all right. Where are we meeting?

- At the stadium.

- What should I take with me?

- I think nothing.

Lesson 8

- Hi, Mike. Nice to meet you.

- Hi, Nick. How’s everything?

- Thanks’, fine.

- Did you watch the last football match?

- Yes, of course. I couldn’t help watching the match.

    - How did you like the game? What was the score?

- They played one of the best games. It was fantastic! Three to nil in favour of my team.

- Congratulations!

- Oh, yes.

Lesson 9.

- Hi. Did you watch the last football match?

- Oh, yes. I did.

- How did you like the game?

    - They played one of the best games.

    - What was the score?

- Three to nil in favour of my team.

- Congratulations!

Lesson 10.

6. What do you think about each of them?

Having a computer;

People of different ages use it every day and all the time. It is very easy to use. They use it as a phone, a typewriter, an address book, a toy, because some websites are packed with some games to play. They can learn, can get a lot of necessary information on different subjects going on the internet. People can enjoy reading books, listening to favourite music. And of course, people use it to write own programmes. It saves a lot of time and very often makes our life easier. Sometimes it helps to escape from boring life.

Joining any sport club;

Sport makes people healthy, develops physical abilities. It makes people to be more organized and better disciplined and very attentive. One of the best advantages of sport is its variety. Everyone can go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, foot­ball, basketball, body-building. It is considered to be the most serious and attractive way of caring about the health. It is considered to be one of the ways to develop somebody’s talent or to find own way in life. Sport is one of the best and tremendous ways to enjoy life.

Joining any sport club means making new friends. it means you are learning to be together, to work hard, to support each other, not to betray, to rely on each other. And of course at the same time it gives a sense of individuality.

Sport helps to overcome many difficulties very often. It develops better understanding the other people.

watching TV

Today we can’t live without TV at all. Television is said to be one of the greatest advantages in science and technology today. People have spare time they switch on TV regularly to watch it. Many people of different ages are television addicts. TV channels can offer unforgettable programmers. People can enjoy watching channels devoted to world news, sports events. TV channels can provide amusing entertainments, and educational films, feature films, specialized documentaries, lovely cartoons.

Lesson 11

6. What do you think about each of them?

Being keen on listening to music

Music is loved by all people in all the countries in the world. Music - What is it? Can you think of а day without music? There is music everywhere: at home, in а concert hall, in parks, at the seaside and even in а forest, field. But in the countryside, of course, it is better to listen to birds singing and other natural wonderful sounds. People cannot live without music. They listen to music, they dance to music, some one can do homework to music, whereas the others can sleep to music and they learn to play different musical instruments too. Music is a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art, which reflects life. Music reflects people's' ideas and emotions. Music makes people think of many things: people, places we love. One of the main advantages of music is evoking forgotten events. It can provoke the most powerful feelings it can influence people very much and seriously.

Going in for athletics

Historians found many facts that running, jumping and throwing had been held in many ancient countries.

Ancient Olympic Games in­cluded mostly athletic events. We all know the story about marathon running when a warrior covered more than forty kilometers, running to tell his people about their victory.

Athletics is not only the oldest, but also the most popular sport. Many people all over the world practice running or jumping because the other sports suppose that sportsmen must be fast and keen.

Athletics competitions are held at stadiums. That is why it is sometimes called “track and field”. Athletics are divided into three main parts: running and walking, jumping and throwing.

Reading a newspaper.

We can’t imagine our life without newspapers, different periodicals and magazines. We use them every day to get some information about various things which worry us or interest us. If we want to be informed about the events, facts we read newspapers again. The readers get information from sport, gardening, horoscope and farming to policy and art, computers and criminal and more. People usually read newspapers that get together with their interests.

Papers can contain political, cultural, sport news. They can provide the readers with articles about weather, finance matter or business. if you are interested in the private life of well-known people you will reported by gossips and scandals too. The readers are sure that articles are true to life very often, fun, refreshing.

7. Correct the mistakes:






Lesson 1




each other


Lesson 2






Lesson 3




the first


Lesson 4


didn’t they

did they



Lesson 5





in for

Lesson 6






Lesson 7






Lesson 8






Lesson 9






Lesson 10






Lesson 11



















1.b 2.a 3.a 4b 5.b 6.b

put on

1.b 2.d 3.a 4.a 5.d 6.b

1.a 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.b 6.b

had to

1.a,a 2.a 3.c 4.b,c

1.b 2.a 3.a 4.b


1.b 2.a 3.b 4.c



1.c 2.b 3.b

1.b 2.c 3.a

1.to 2.to 3.to 4.-

Brave –cowardly; hardworking –lazy; ancient- modern;

Better- worst; ugly- beautiful; old- young; weak- strong.



2.2 2.4

1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a

1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a

1.b 2.b 3.a 4.b

1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a

1.a 2.a 3.a 4.b

1.c 2.d 3.b

Relay biathlon

1.g 2.b 3.b 4.d

1.a,a 2.b 3.c,b 4.c


1.a,a 2.b,b 3.b 4.a

1.a 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.a

1.b 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.b

1.b 2.a 3.a

1.a 2.b 3.a 4.b

1.a 2.a 3.b 4.a

1.b 2.b 3.a 4.a

1.c 2.a 3.a 4.a


1.b,a 2.b,a 3.a,a 4.a,a 5.b,b

1.b 2.a 3.b 4.b

1.b 2.b 3.a

1.a,a 2.b 3.a 4.a,b 5.a,a

1.c 2.a 3.c

1.c 2.a 3.b 4.a,b

1.a 2.a 3.a 4.c 5.c 6.c


1.a 2.a 3.b 4.a

1.a 2/b 3.c 4.e 5.c

1.b 2.a 3.b 4.a

1.a 2.a 3.a 4.b

1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.b

1.b 2.a 3.a 4.b


1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.b

1.a 2.b 3.a 4.b

1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a

1.Were fighting 2.were competing 3.came 4.began, was travelling

1.a 2.a 3.a

1. was 2. were playing 3. score 4.scored 5.came 6. left 7.had hurt


1.c 2.c 3.c 4.a 5.b 6.a 7.c 8.b 9.c 10.a 11.b 12. a 14.a 15. a 16. a 17. c 18. c 19. c 20.c 21. b


1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.c 8.b 9.a 10.a 11.b 12.b 13.b 14.a 15.c 16.a 17.b,b 18.b 19. b,b 20.a,a 21.c 22.d 23.b


1.d 2.a 3.a 4.b 5.a 6.b 7.b 8.c 9.a 10.a 11.a 12.a 13.a 14.b 15.b 16.a 17.a 18.a,a 19.b 20.c 21.a 22.b 23.b 24.b,c


1.c 2.a 3.a 4.g 5.g 6.b 7.d 8.a 9.a 10.a 11.d,a 12.a 13.a 14.a 15.b 16.b 17.a 18.a 19.a

9. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений A-F







Lesson 1







Lesson 2







Lesson 3







Lesson 4







Lesson 5







Lesson 6







Lesson 7







Lesson 8







Lesson 9







Lesson 10







Lesson 11









Accidentaccidentalaccidentally- несчастный случай; because of the car accident –из-за автомобильной аварии; were hurt in the accident- были поврежден во время аварии; could win accidentally- мог победить случайно

Accompany (go with) – accompanimentaccompanistaccompanied - сопровождать; were accompanied by arts festivals- сопровождались фестивалями искусства; to choose a career of accompanist выбрать профессию аккомпаниатора; The accompaniment of her performance on the stage by the music was tremendous, admirable - сопровождение ее выступление на сцене музыкой было потрясающим и восхитительным; become one of the best accompanist стать одним из лучших аккомпаниаторов; accompanied him in man clothes- сопровождал его в мужской одежде

Achieveachieve ones purposeachievableachievement - достигать; he is anxious about achieving his purpose to be top at playing football – он озабочен достижением своей цели стать лучшим футболистом; to celebrate this achievement – отпраздновать это достижение;

To achieve a lot of good results in making friendship – достичь много хороших результатов в дружбе; it was not achievable – это было не достижимо; excellent achievement at sport – отличное достижение в спорте

Addaddition-additional – прибавлять; added new apparatuses such as horses – добавили новые гимнастические снаряды такие как гимнастические кони

Admireadmirableadmirationlost in admiration – восхищаться; with great admiration- с большим восхищением; were admired by the strength of the sportsmen - были восхищены силой спортсменов; admire the corporal beauty of ancient and eternally young discus thrower – восхищаться телесной(физической) красотой древних и вечно молодых спортсменов по метанию дисков

Advance (go forward) – advancementadvanced – продвижение вперед; could prevent the advance of the players – смог помешать продвижению игроков вперед; is so advanced for the young sportsmen- такой успешный для молодых спортсменов

Advise – advisable – adviser - советовать; it is curtain he would advice to go to bed это точно он посоветует лечь спать; it is not advisable to go for a walk so late – это неразумно гулять так поздно; one of the best advisers- один из лучших советчиков

Announce (make known) – announcement – announcer – announced – объявлять; hear the words of the announcer- слышать слова диктора; announced about a new visitor – объявил о новом посетителе; the announcement was shocking – объявление было шокирующим; were announced open – были объявлены открытыми

Award- присуждение; were awarded for winning the first place – были награждены за победу первого места; were put at the birthplace of the winners – были установлены на родине победителей


Band - обруч

Bar –стойка. барьер;parallel bars - параллельные перекладины (стойки); asymmetrical bars- асимметричные перекладины; horizontal bar – горизонтальные перекладины

Beam - брус

Buzzer- свисток, звонок, сирена; the final buzzer sounded – прозвучал финальный свисток


Calm – спокойный; another very calm game- другая очень спокойная игра

Carve – резать, вырезать;a small bone or ivory carved animals- маленькая кость или вырезанные из слоновой кости фигурки животных; played with carved dolls - играли с резными куклами

Certain (sure) - certainlycertainty - определенный; certainly my brother would compete in cycling – конечно мой брат будет участвовать в соревнованиях по велогонкам; cant say with certainty- с точностью не могу сказать

Coach - тренер; coached her - тренировал ее

Compete - competitioncompetitive - соревноваться; to take part in cycling competition- принять участие в соревнованиях по велогонкам; get cups and wreaths for winning the first place in sports competitions получать кубки и венки за победу первого места в спортивных соревнованиях; had to compete – вынуждены были соревноваться; a regular competition in making the loudest noise – постоянное соревнование по изданию самого громкого звука; compete honestly – соревноваться честно


Declaredeclaration объявлять; are declared immediately- объявляются немедленно; the declaration about the Final Game was made by the TV – объявление об финальной игре было сделано по телевизору

Defend (protect) – defendant – defensive - de­fense– defenseless- защищать; as a defense – как защита; defend their fields – защищать свои ворота

Derive – derivative – derivation - извлекать; could derive not only a pleasure but a profit too- смогли извлечь не только удовольствие но и выгоду; ; should find out the derivation of the things – следует выяснять выгоду вещей

Devote – devoted – devotion - посвящать; a whole month was devoted – целый месяц был посвящен; was not advisable to devote his life to living in the country- было не разумно посвятить свою жизнь жизни в деревне

Disprove – опровергать; that disproves most of them – это опровергает большинство из них


Embroider – приукрашивать; it is embroidered with wonderful anecdotes – он приукрашен чудесными анекдотами

Entertain entertainment- развлекать; going to the match was one of the best ways to entertain my friends - посещение матча был одним из самых лучших способов чтобы развлечь моих друзей; are looking forward to different entertainments- с нетерпением ждут различные развлечения

Eternaleternallyeternity - вечный; admire the beauty and strength of eternally young – восхищаться красотой и силой вечно молодого; felt the eternity – почувствовал вечность

Excel- excellence – excellent- превосходить; excelled in many events – превзошел во многих событиях

Expenses- expensive - расход; to help pay his expenses – помочь оплатить его расходы

Explain - explanation - explainable - объяснять; a single explanation – простое объяснение


Fear- fearful – fearless - страх


Grace – graceful –gracefully – graceless - грация; the gymnasts were so graceful- гимнасты были такие грациозные; the grace of sportsmen was so bright, so exciting, that nobody could help being excited – грация спортсменов была такая яркая, что никто не мог не восхититься.

health – healthful – healthy - здоровье; the most number of people consider that going in for sport is one of the best and tremendous ways to be healthy, strong, and slim – большинство людей считает что занятие спортом это один из лучших и потрясающих способов быть здоровым и стройным; should walk a lot to be healthy – следует ходить много, чтобы быть здоровым


High-height - высоко; the height of its upper end – высота его верхнего конца (края); wounded under high pressure – ранил под высоким давлением

Honest – honesty – honestly - честность; could you compete honestly вы могли соревноваться честно;


Patient – patience - impatient - with the biggest impatience – с большим нетерпением

Increase -increased the number - увеличил число

Inspire – inspiration - воодушевлять; magnificent strong bodies inspired artists and sculptors великолепные сильные тела спортсменов воодушевляли художников и скульпторов; inspires you during some competitions – воодушевляет тебя во время соревнований; had a sudden inspiration – почувствовал неожиданное воодушевление; inspired them greatly воодушевлял их сильно


Keep-kept-kept- соблюдать; keep the rules –соблюдать правила


Lane – проход; center lane-центральный проход; blocking up the center lane – блокируя центральный проход

Line up – выстраиваться в линию; made both the team and the starting lineup – заставил и команду и начинающих выстроиться в одну линию.

Loop -


Merge – объединяться; merger – слияние, объедение; by the merger of two rival organizations- слиянием двух соперничающих организаций

Mutter- muttered – ворчать: the coach muttered – тренер ворчал


Necessary (which must be) –necessity- необходимый; there are all necessities to win for our sportsmen – есть все возможности для наших спортсменов победить; all necessary facilities are provided for them: stadi­ums, swimming-pools, skating-rinks, football fields- все необходимые сооружения предоставлены для них: стадионы, бассейны, катки, футбольные поля; It is necessary to do morning exercises for everybody- каждому необходимо делать утреннюю зарядку

Net – сеть, сетка; a net suspended over the middle – сетка висящая по середине


Opposite- напротив; put two baskets at opposite ends of the courts- поставил две корзины в противоположные концы корта; players of the opposing teams-игроки противоположных команд; must not touch their opponents with hands- не должны касаться своих противников руками

Outside- снаружи; are playing outside – играют снаружи


Play, playful – playfully – playfulness - играть; my kitten is so playful - мой котенок такой игривый

Polite – politely –politeness вежливый; mother made their children be polite – мать заставила своих детей быть вежливыми; politeness is the best way to make friends – вежливость лучший способ найти друзей; they asked for something very politely- они о чем-то попросили очень вежливо.

Pommel-horse – конь (гимнастический снаряд)

Pond - озеро

Prone position- позиция лежа;


Rapidrapidlyrapidness быстро; turned back so rapidly – повернулся назад так быстро; catches the ball rapidly ловит мяч быстро

Referrefereereference – отсылать, приписывать; refers his success at diving to the daily trainings- приписывает свой успех по прыжкам в высоту ежедневным тренировкам; well-known referee in football – хорошо известный судья по футболу;; is full of references – полон ссылок; referee tosses the ball up between two players of opposing teams – судья подбрасывает мяч между двумя игроками противоположных команд

Remove – removable- remover – удалять; tonsils removed - гланды удалил

represent – representation – representative – представлять, объяснять; to represent the main idea of the project – представить главную идею проекта; against the representation of the worst results – против представления худших результатов

Require – requirement - требовать; required to leave the stadium – потребовал покинуть стадион; the requirement was so strict and unpleasant – требование было таким строгим и неприятным; municipal courses аге required – требуются муниципальные курсы

Respect – respectable – respectability – respectful - уважать; you respect your coach very much – ты сильно уважаешь своего тренера; my friend is a very respectful man – мой друг очень уважаемый человек; I was admired with his respectability to the family – я был восхищен его уважением к семье

Response – responsibility – responsible - ответственность; is responsible for the young sportsmen’s life – несет ответственность за жизнь молодых спортсменов; the responsibility is great – ответственность большая


Take-took – taken- брать; took an oath-дал клятву; took part in all kinds of competitions- принял участие во всех видах соревнований

Tight – tightly – tightness-крепко, туго, плотно; maintains my opinion tightly- поддерживает мое мнение крепко; so tight- такой крепкий

Trace –след; следить

; is difficult to trace – трудно проследить


Semi-fluid –полужидкий, вязкий

Serious (thoughtful) – seriously – seriousness- серьезный; they consider it is the most serious way of caring about their health-они считают это самый серьезный способ заботиться о своем здоровье; He thought about something very seriously- он о чем-то внимательно думал

Shoot- стрельба, стрелять; shoot at the goal - забить гол (попасть в цель); shooting is done in the prone position with two shooting exercises -выстрел производится с позиции лежа с двумя выстрелами

Shove- толкание

Spare- запасной; was spared the penalty – был избавлен от наказания

State-states - государство; was recognized a neutral state – был признан как нейтральное государство; states suffered and lost much – государства страдали и потеряли много;ruler of such a small state – правитель такого маленького государства; arrived from many Greek states- прибыли из многих греческих государств

Stringstrings - нитка, веревка; used strings, sticks or bones for toys – использовали веревки палки или косточки вместо игрушек; tied а string to а thin edge- привязывали веревку к тонкому концу

Suffersufferancesufferersufferable; she was made to join the sport club on sufferance – ее заставили пойти в спортивный клуб из-за сострадания; didnt suffer from headache – не страдал от головной боли

Suitsuitablesuitabilitysuitablysuitableness - подходить; is suitable to live – подходящий, чтобы жить; will suit us well – нам хорошо подойдет; so many suitable sorts – так много подходящих видов (сортов); find a suitable position – найти подходящую позицию; could not find a suitable place не смог найти подходящее место


Value (worth) – valuablevalueless –ценность, значение; the value of swimming-значение (ценность) плавания;is valuable for all people(ценный) полезный для всех людей; great value to young gymnasts – большая ценность(значимость) для молодых людей; absolutely valuable to organize the clubs- абсолютно ценно организовать клубы

Vault- прыжок, прыжок с шестом; vaulting- прыжки; vaulting-horse-гимнастический конь

Violateу - violation –violator - нарушать: because of violation of the rules may also be punished – из-за нарушения правил может быть наказан


wage -waged-вести; waged wars many years ago –вели войны много лет назад

War-wars; waged wars; take any side and stayed out of wars; all wars and feuds were stopped

Win-won-won-побеждать; winners were called –победители были названы


Youth -youthfulyouthfulnessyouthfully-молодежь; pay a great attention to youths problems- обратить большое внимание на проблемы молодежи; her youthful appearance astonished everybody- ее юная внешность удивила всех; behaved herself very youthfully- вел себя очень живо.

Where to check all these facts

Английский для средних специальных заведений/ И.П. Агабекян – 4-е изд. – Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2003.

Английский язык: учебник для 6 кл., общеобразовательных учреждений /В.П. Кузовлев – 2-е изд. – М. Просвещение, 1999.

Английский язык: учебник для 7 кл., общеобразовательных учреждений /В.П. Кузовлев – 2-е изд. – М. Просвещение, 1999.

Chip Lvett.Michael Jordan. Canada 2000

Fredrick McKissack. The story of the negro Baseball. New York 1998

Pedagogic.ru:библиотека по педагогике”

Пособие по грамматике современного английского языка- М. ЮНВЕС, 2000.

Толковый словарь английского языка/ А.Хорнби – СПИП «Сенгилей»,1992

Учебник английского языка/Н.А.Бонк-М. «Деконт» - «Гис»,1998

Роза Гиззатовна Латыпова

Книга для изучающих английский язык « Sport is everywhere»


Обсуждение материала
Сергей Колодин
1.04.2013 12:40
Уважаемая Роза Гиззатовна!

Предложенный Вами материал лучше отнести к типу "Справочная информация". Также прошу Вас указать все использованные при его подготовке источники.

С уважением, С.А. Колодин.
роза латыпова
26.04.2013 08:44
Спасибо. замечания будут учтены.
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