ABC holiday
Цель праздника: подведение итогов за полугодие; повышение уровня мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иностранным языком.
Оборудование: Картинки с буквами алфавита, костюмы для инсценировок, записи песен.
Ход праздника:
Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Welcome to our ABC holiday! There are a lot of us! Oh! I can hear the music!
Звучит отрывок пени “ABC song”
It’s the alphabet Song. By the way, how many letters are there in the English Alphabet?
Children: There are 26 letters
Teacher: Now our pupils from the 2nd form will recite the poems about the letter A and her friends.
Pupil 1: Aa
А is for alarm-clock
That rings every day:
“Good morning, Good morning,
It’s time to play!”
Pupil 2: B,b
B is for bear,
My old toy friend.
He sits on my chair
And sleeps in my bed!
Pupil 3: C,c
C is for cow
Who is grazing now
In the grass-green silk,
Mrs. Cow, give me milk!
Pupil 4: D,d
One, two, three, four,
D is for dinosaur,
He lives in the box
With the bear and the fox.
Pupil 5: E,e
One, two, three,
This is E,
E is for England,
Sail and see
Teacher: Well, well, well I wish I could check how well you know the English words and sounds!
Ученики, желающие принять участие в соревновании, образуют 2-3 команды по 3 человека. Команды становятся на расстоянии 15 шагов от учителя. Учитель поочередно называют командам звуки английского языка, а члены команды называют слова с этими звуками. Если ученики правильно подобрали слова к определённому звуку, то команда делают шаг вперёд, если ошиблись, то они остаются на месте. Выигрывает та команда, которая быстрее подошла к учителю.
Teacher: Oh! I can see the other letters!
Pupil 1: F,f
F is for fish,
Swimming in the sea.
I wish for a goldfish
To come back to me!
Pupil 2: G,g
G is for giraffe
With the neck so long
To listen in the sky
For a merry birdsong!
Pupil 3: H,h
H is for hedgehog
Who runs in the wood
Carrying on his needles
Mushrooms and fruits,
One, two,
One apple is for you.
Pupil 4: I,i
I is for an island
As green as my cap.
I is for an island,
Find it on the map!
Pupil 5: J,j
J is for jam,
Look at me, please!
I eat jam with ham,
With bread and with cheese!
One, two, Give me too!
Teacher: Ok! I’ve heard that there are some pupils who want to sing a song for us!
Дети исполняют песню “Red cherries”
Стихотворение “The colors”
Red, red, red, touch your head.
Blue, blue, blue, tie your shoe.
Brown, brown, brown, touch the ground.
White, white, white I have got a kite.
Black, black, black, touch your back.
Purple, purple, purple, draw a circle.
Pink, pink, pink, give a wink.
Gray, gray, gray, shout hurray!
Teacher: The letters are coming back!
Pupil 1: K,k
K is for kitten
With white-white fir,
So soft and little Singing:
Pupil 2: L,l
L is for lamb
With a silver bell,
The bell is ringing so well,
What a merry bell!
It’s a silver song.
Pupil 3: M,m
M is for mouse
Who lives in a house,
One, two, three, four,
Her house is under the floor!
Pupil 4: N,n
N is for night,
When the stars are bright,
We switch off the light
And say “Good night”!
Pupil 5: O,o
O is for orange
A tasty round ball,
Pass it to my basket –
Play basketball.
Teacher: It’s time to play!
Ученики делятся на две команды по три человека. Ведущий в течение нескольких секунд демонстрирует написанный на листе бумаги алфавит с какими-нибудь пропущенными буквами. Выигрывает та команда, ребята которой быстрее нашли пропущенные буквы.
Teacher: Dear children and our guests our pupils from the 3d form have a present for you!
Звучит песня “Monkey”
Драматизация сказки “The house in the wood”
Действующие лица:
Лягушка-a frog, мышка — a mouse, петушок-a cock, , волк-a wolf, лиса — a fox, медведь — a bear.
На сцену “выпрыгивает” лягушка
A frog:
How it is fine to walk..Yes to walk, yes to walk
I am a little, little frog
I am a frog I am a frog ( видит теремок, подходит)
It is a nice little house. Who lives in the house? (стучится)
Open the door please (никто не открывает, лягушка заходит в домик)
Идёт мышка, собирает зёрна в ладошку
A mouse:
It is a nice little house. Who lives in the house?
I am a little mouse.
A frog: I am a frog and who are you?
A mouse: I am a mouse let me live in your house
A frog: Come in, please!
(на сцене появляется петух, видит теремок )
A cock: It is a nice little house. Who lives in the house?
A frog, a mouse:
I am a frog .
I am a mouse. And who are you?
A cock:
I am a cock.
I am a little boy
I want some joy. Let me live in you house.
A frog, a mouse:
Come in, please. ( дети исполняют песню “ Hello”)
Hello, hello, hello
I am a frog, I am a cock, I am a mouse
We like to live in our house
(на сцене появляется заяц)
A hare: What can I see? Who lives in the house?
I am a little mouse
I am a frog, who likes to walk
I am a cock and who are you?
A hare: I am a hare I like to play. Let me in your house stay.
Children: Come in, please.
A frog: Now it is high time to cook, what shall we cook?
A mouse: I think soup
(под музыку готовят суп и поют песенку)
I can jump and I can fly
I can run and I can try
To cook a very tasty soup
(на сцене появляется волк)
A wolf:
I am a wolf I like to move (танцует рэп, подходит к терему, стучится)
Who lives in the house?
I am a mouse,
I am a frog,
I am a hare,
I am a cock. And who are you?
A wolf: I am a hungry wolf. I want some soup
Children: Come in, please.
(на сцене появляется лиса, танцует)
A fox:
Such a fine little house.
I am a fox I have a box. Open the door, please
Children: Come in little foxy. Let us play. You may in the house stay.
(под музыку появляется медведь, видит терем, стучится)
A bear:
Who is there in the house?
I am a bear Clouse.
Let me come into your house.
Children: Oh no, bear Clouse. You are too big for our house.
(медведь пытается влезть в домик через окно, но у него ничего не получается и уходит со сцены)
A bear: but I want to stay with you (плачет)
Children: So let’s built a new big house!
Звучит песня “The more we are together”
Teacher: Oh, we forgot about our letters!
Pupil 1: P,p
P is for my pet,
My pet is a cat.
Her name is Pussy
And she’s afraid of the rat!
Pupil 2: Q,q
Q is for Queen
Whom I’ve never seen,
She is like a star
So high and far!
Pupil 3: R,r
R is for rainbow
After the rain,
A wonderful bridge
To the fairy tale,
Count to seven
And rise to the heaven!
Pupil 4: S,s
S is for star
That shines so bright,
We call it the Sun
And live in its light!
Pupil 5: T,t
T is for train,
Let’s travel again.
I like to play
With a toy railway!
Pupil 6:U,u
U is for uniform
Of the Queen’s quard
So brave and stately
Marching in the yard!
Pupil 7:V,v
V is for violet,
A flower of spring,
When the days get longer
And the birds sing!
Pupil 8:W,w
W is for whale
Who has a mighty tail,
He swims like a mountain
And makes a fountain!
Pupil 9:X,x
X is for Xmas,
What a happy day!
I’ve got a lot of presents
And games to play!
Pupil 10:Y,y
Y is for yacht
Under full sail
When the wind’s strong
And the seagulls hail!
Pupil 11:Z,z
Z is for zebra
Black and white
White is for daylight,
Black is for night!
Teacher: There are some good actors in our school. Let’s greet our pupils from the 4th form with a tale “Turnip”
Драматизация сказки “THE TURNIP”
An Author
A Grandfather
A Grandmother
A Granddaughter
A Dog, named Zhuchka
A Cat
A Mouse
Garden, further a house, a shaft, trees, flowers and bushes.
AN AUTHOR: Once upon a time somewhere about there lived the grandfather and the grandmother.
The grandfather was a very good gardener he liked to spend a lot of time looking after his plants. In springtime he planted a turnip, a cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, grew dill and spring onion and many other vegetables. But the turnip was his favourite. The grandfather even used to sing songs for it.
A GRANDFATHER: We had planted a little seed,
We took out all the weed.
So it grows and grows fast
And will bring the rich crop at last.
AN AUTHOR: The turnip was growing bigger and bigger with the grandfather's songs and there came time to take it out.
A GRANDFATHER: Came the happy, happy time
Taking out crops of mine.
Pooling, pooling my turnip
Can’t just do it — it's too big!
I should call grandmother for help. Grandma, grandma come and help me to pool the turnip out.
A GRANDMOTHER: I am coming, I'll help you with your crops with the greatest pleasure, grandpa.
AN AUTHOR: The grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they are both pooling hard, but can't pool the turnip out.
A GRANDMOTHER: You know, grandpa, we wouldn’t be able to take the turnip out by ourselves. It’s too deep in the ground. Lets call our granddaughter to help us.
A GRANDFATHER: It’s a very bright idea. Call our granddaughter to help us.
A GRANDMOTHER: Granddaughter, granddaughter come to help us to pool the turnip out.
A GRANDDAUGHTER: I am coming, why didn’t you call me earlier? I bet you are tired already.
AN AUTHOR: The granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out.
A GRANDDAUGHTER: I think we need more help. This turnip doesn’t want to get out easily. Let’s call Zhuchka to help us. Zhuchka, Zhuchka come to help us to pool the turnip out.
ZHUCHKA: Woof, woof I am in a hurry to come. Where is that stubborn turnip? We will quickly pool it out all together.
AN AUTHOR: Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out.
ZHUCHKA: It’s not so easy as I thought it would be. Let’s call the cat to help us. Kitty, kitty come down to help us to pool the turnip out.
A CAT: I am coming. Prrrrr, prrrrr we will pool the turnip out easily.
AN AUTHOR: The cat holding on to Zhuchka, Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out.
A CAT: I believe we need help. Let’s call the mouse. Mouse, mouse, little paws, come and help us to pool the turnip out.
A MOUSE: I am happy to help, especially when all the family is working together.
AN AUTHOR: The mouse holding on to the cat, the cat holding on to Zhuchka, Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard and singing together.
All are singing: We are working very hard,
Pooling the turnip out of the mud,
All together we are so strong
We are singing a happy song.
AN AUTHOR: And they pooled the turnip out! All of them were glad that the turnip was finally out. The grandma cooked the turnip and gave everybody a piece of a sweet and tasty turnip. When the mouse ate her piece of turnip she said.
A MOUSE: It was so lovely.
AN AUTHOR: The mouse licked her nose.
A MOUSE: If you need my help next time, please don’t hesitate and call me again. I like the turnip so much.
Teacher: Dear children, our holiday is coming to the end. Thank you very much for taking part in it and I would like to close this party with a song devoted to our mothers!
Звучит песня “Mummy”
Teacher: It’s time to say bye-bye! See you soon and good luck!
Сценарий праздника подготовлен
учителем английского языка
МОУ гимназии №15
Акопян Э.И.
Сценарий праздника “ABC holiday”
Цель праздника: подведение итогов за полугодие; повышение уровня мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иностранным языком.
Оборудование: Картинки с буквами алфавита, костюмы для инсценировок, записи песен.
Ход праздника:
Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Welcome to our ABC holiday! There are a lot of us! Oh! I can hear the music!
Звучит отрывок пени “ABC song”
It’s the alphabet Song. By the way, how many letters are there in the English Alphabet?
Children: There are 26 letters
Teacher: Now our pupils from the 2nd form will recite the poems about the letter A and her friends.
Pupil 1: Aa
is for alarm-clock
rings every day:
morning, Good morning,
time to play!”
2: B,b
is for bear,
old toy friend.
sits on my chair
sleeps in my bed!
3: C,c
is for cow
is grazing now
the grass-green silk,
Cow, give me milk!
4: D,d
two, three, four,
is for dinosaur,
lives in the box
the bear and the fox.
5: E,e
two, three,
is E,
is for England,
and see
Teacher: Well, well, well I wish I could check how well you know the English words and sounds!
Ученики, желающие принять участие в соревновании, образуют 2-3 команды по 3 человека. Команды становятся на расстоянии 15 шагов от учителя. Учитель поочередно называют командам звуки английского языка, а члены команды называют слова с этими звуками. Если ученики правильно подобрали слова к определённому звуку, то команда делают шаг вперёд, если ошиблись, то они остаются на месте. Выигрывает та команда, которая быстрее подошла к учителю.
Teacher: Oh! I can see the other letters!
1: F,f
is for fish,
in the sea.
wish for a goldfish
come back to me!
2: G,g
is for giraffe
the neck so long
listen in the sky
a merry birdsong!
3: H,h
is for hedgehog
runs in the wood
on his needles
and fruits,
apple is for you.
4: I,i
is for an island
green as my cap.
is for an island,
it on the map!
5: J,j
is for jam,
at me, please!
eat jam with ham,
bread and with cheese!
two, Give me too!
Teacher: Ok! I’ve heard that there are some pupils who want to sing a song for us!
Дети исполняют песню “Red cherries”
Стихотворение “The colors”
Red, red, red, touch your head.
Blue, blue, blue, tie your shoe.
Brown, brown, brown, touch the ground.
White, white, white I have got a kite.
Black, black, black, touch your back.
Purple, purple, purple, draw a circle.
Pink, pink, pink, give a wink.
Gray, gray, gray, shout hurray!
Teacher: The letters are coming back!
1: K,k
is for kitten
white-white fir,
soft and little Singing:
2: L,l
is for lamb
a silver bell,
bell is ringing so well,
a merry bell!
a silver song.
3: M,m
is for mouse
lives in a house,
two, three, four,
house is under the floor!
4: N,n
is for night,
the stars are bright,
switch off the light
say “Good night”!
5: O,o
is for orange
tasty round ball,
it to my basket –
Teacher: It’s time to play!
Ученики делятся на две команды по три человека. Ведущий в течение нескольких секунд демонстрирует написанный на листе бумаги алфавит с какими-нибудь пропущенными буквами. Выигрывает та команда, ребята которой быстрее нашли пропущенные буквы.
Teacher: Dear children and our guests our pupils from the 3d form have a present for you!
Звучит песня “Monkey”
Драматизация сказки “The house in the wood”
Действующие лица:
Лягушка-a frog, мышка- a mouse, петушок-a cock, , волк-a wolf, лиса- a fox, медведь- a bear.
На сцену “выпрыгивает” лягушка
A frog:
How it is fine to
walk..Yes to walk , yes to walk
I am a little, little frog
am a frog I am a frog ( видит теремок,
It is a nice little
house. Who lives in the house? (стучится)
the door please (никто не
открывает, лягушка
заходит в
Идёт мышка, собирает зёрна в ладошку
A mouse:
It is a nice little house.
Who lives in the house?
I am a little mouse.
A frog: I am a frog and who are you?
A mouse: I am a mouse let me live in your house
A frog: Come in, please!
(на сцене появляется петух, видит теремок )
A cock: It is a nice little house. Who lives in the house?
A frog, a mouse:
I am a frog .
I am a
mouse. And who are you?
A cock:
I am a cock.
I am a
little boy
I want some joy. Let me live in you house.
A frog, a mouse:
Come in, please. ( дети исполняют песню “ Hello”)
hello, hello
am a frog, I am a cock, I am a mouse
like to live in our house
(на сцене появляется заяц)
A hare: What can I see? Who lives in the house?
I am a little mouse
am a frog, who likes to walk
I am a cock and who are you?
A hare: I am a hare I like to play. Let me in your house stay.
Children: Come in, please.
A frog: Now it is high time to cook, what shall we cook?
A mouse: I think soup
(под музыку готовят суп и поют песенку)
can jump and I can fly
can run and I can try
cook a very tasty soup
(на сцене появляется волк)
A wolf:
I am a wolf I like
to move (танцует рэп,
подходит к
терему, стучится)
lives in the house?
I am a mouse,
am a frog,
I am a hare,
I am a cock. And who are you?
A wolf: I am a hungry wolf. I want some soup
Children: Come in, please.
(на сцене появляется лиса, танцует)
A fox:
Such a fine little
I am a fox I have a box. Open the door, please
Children: Come in little foxy. Let us play. You may in the house stay.
(под музыку появляется медведь, видит терем, стучится)
A bear:
Who is there in the
I am a bear Clouse.
Let me come into your house.
Children: Oh no, bear Clouse. You are too big for our house.
(медведь пытается влезть в домик через окно, но у него ничего не получается и уходит со сцены)
A bear: but I want to stay with you (плачет)
Children: So let’s built a new big house!
Звучит песня “The more we are together”
Teacher: Oh, we forgot about our letters!
1: P,p
is for my pet,
pet is a cat.
name is Pussy
she’s afraid of the rat!
2: Q,q
is for Queen
I’ve never seen,
is like a star
high and far!
3: R,r
is for rainbow
the rain,
wonderful bridge
the fairy tale,
to seven
rise to the heaven!
4: S,s
is for star
shines so bright,
call it the Sun
live in its light!
5: T,t
is for train,
travel again.
like to play
a toy railway!
is for uniform
the Queen’s quard
brave and stately
in the yard!
is for violet,
flower of spring,
the days get longer
the birds sing!
is for whale
has a mighty tail,
swims like a mountain
makes a fountain!
is for Xmas,
a happy day!
got a lot of presents
games to play!
is for yacht
full sail
the wind’s strong
the seagulls hail!
is for zebra
and white
is for daylight,
is for night!
Teacher: There are some good actors in our school. Let’s greet our pupils from the 4th form with a tale “Turnip”
Драматизация сказки “THE TURNIP”
Dog, named Zhuchka
further a house, a shaft, trees, flowers and bushes.
AUTHOR: Once upon a time somewhere about there lived the grandfather
and the grandmother.
grandfather was a very good gardener he liked to spend a lot of time
looking after his plants. In springtime he planted a turnip, a
cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, grew dill and spring onion and many
other vegetables. But the turnip was his favourite. The grandfather
even used to sing songs for it.
GRANDFATHER: We had planted a little seed,
took out all the weed.
it grows and grows fast
will bring the rich crop at last.
AUTHOR: The turnip was growing bigger and bigger with the
grandfather's songs and there came time to take it out.
GRANDFATHER: Came the happy, happy time
out crops of mine.
pooling my turnip
just do it - it's too big!
should call grandmother for help. Grandma, grandma come and help me
to pool the turnip out.
GRANDMOTHER: I am coming, I'll help you with your crops with the
greatest pleasure, grandpa.
AUTHOR: The grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the
grandfather holding on to the turnip and they are both pooling hard,
but can't pool the turnip out.
GRANDMOTHER: You know, grandpa, we wouldn’t be able to take the
turnip out by ourselves. It’s too deep in the ground. Lets call our
granddaughter to help us.
GRANDFATHER: It’s a very bright idea. Call our granddaughter to
help us.
GRANDMOTHER: Granddaughter, granddaughter come to help us to pool the
turnip out.
GRANDDAUGHTER: I am coming, why didn’t you call me earlier? I bet
you are tired already.
AUTHOR: The granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the
grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on
to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the
turnip out.
GRANDDAUGHTER: I think we need more help. This turnip doesn’t want
to get out easily. Let’s call Zhuchka to help us. Zhuchka, Zhuchka
come to help us to pool the turnip out.
Woof, woof I am in a hurry to come. Where is that stubborn turnip? We
will quickly pool it out all together.
AUTHOR: Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter
holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the
grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all
are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out.
It’s not so easy as I thought it would be. Let’s call the cat to
help us. Kitty, kitty come down to help us to pool the turnip
CAT: I am coming. Prrrrr, prrrrr we will pool the turnip out
AUTHOR: The cat holding on to Zhuchka, Zhuchka holding on to the
granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the
grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on
to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the
turnip out.
CAT: I believe we need help. Let’s call the mouse. Mouse, mouse,
little paws, come and help us to pool the turnip out.
MOUSE: I am happy to help, especially when all the family is working
AUTHOR: The mouse holding on to the cat, the cat holding on to
Zhuchka, Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter
holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the
grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all
are pooling hard and singing together.
are singing: We are working very hard,
the turnip out of the mud,
together we are so strong
are singing a happy song.
AUTHOR: And they pooled the turnip out! All of them were glad that
the turnip was finally out. The grandma cooked the turnip and gave
everybody a piece of a sweet and tasty turnip. When the mouse ate her
piece of turnip she said.
MOUSE: It was so lovely.
AUTHOR: The mouse licked her nose.
MOUSE: If you need my help next time, please don’t hesitate and
call me again. I like the turnip so much.
Teacher: Dear children, our holiday is coming to the end. Thank you very much for taking part in it and I would like to close this party with a song devoted to our mothers!
Звучит песня “Mummy”
Teacher: It’s time to say bye-bye! See you soon and good luck!
- Вебинар «Нейродинамическая гимнастика для детей дошкольного возраста: повышаем согласованность полушарий, улучшаем речевые навыки, развиваем мелкую и крупную моторику, корректируем эмоционально-волевую сферу»
- Новые технологии обучения младших школьников английскому языку в условиях реализации ФГОС
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- Использование лексических игр в преподавании английского языка для младших школьников
- Развитие УУД на уроках иностранного языка в начальной школе
- Вебинар «Нейропсихологические методы диагностики и коррекции нарушений в развитии гиперактивных детей»